Talk:Eddie Pulaski

I think Eddie Pulaski might come from Poland,because in the last mission End Of The Line Big Smoke is saying to CJ

Smoke: Man, fuck this shit! Ahh, that's some good shit. Fuck Tenpenny, fuck his polish lapdog and fuck the police. Man all that's old shit. Look at you, you got the whole world! I ain't go no regrets man.

Possible connection to CJ

It seems like there's evidence to say that Pulaski knew CJ when they were kids, the biggest bit is that CJ calls him by "Eddie" rather then just Pulaski, and it appears that the two are about the same age.--Allurade Dendra 22:59, October 8, 2009 (UTC)

Carl calls him by his first name two times I think. Calling someone informally doesn't mean that the person is a childhood friend. I can call my boss by his first name but he's not a friend, he's my boss.--Spaceeinstein 23:22, October 8, 2009 (UTC)