Bas Rutten

Revision as of 21:46, 1 January 2009 by gtw>Wu Zi Mu

Bass Rutten is the co-host of The Men's Room along with Jeremy St. Ives. He is shown to be more aggresive while his co-host Jeremy is more nicer of the two. Although Bas has allegedly committed many crimes that would place him in prison for several life sentences, he remains on television giving advise to "other angry men". Bas has also written books, according to an episode of The Men's Room his next book will be called "You Are Either The Boss, Or The Bitch".


  • Bas has openly admitted that he hates Virtual Reality Games, mostly because he can not maim people.
  • He was a real life UFC Champion and helped with the fighting mode of Niko Bellic during the making of Grand Theft Auto IV.