Casual clothing are recurring items of clothing in that appear in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (as "Sweats") and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Originally used to refer to more casual attire than the default Street, casual outfits were later used to refer to the player's default clothing.

The naming for casual clothing in the three game varies significantly: It is known as the Casual in GTA Vice City, the casual clothes in GTA Liberty City Stories, and the Casuals in GTA Vice City Stories.
GTA Vice City
In GTA Vice City, the Casual consists of a gray T-shirt, and blue stone-washed jeans and white shoes derived from the Street. The Casual is similar is model design to the Frankie.
The Casual spawns in front of GASH's second floor front door of in the North Point Mall, after killing Gonzalez in "Treacherous Swine". Like other outfits in the game, changing into the outfit will remove up to a two star wanted level, even if the player is already wearing the outfit.
GTA Liberty City Stories
In GTA Liberty City Stories, the casual clothes serves as the default outfit of the player character, Toni Cipriani, consisting of a black shirt under a dark brown jacket, beige pants and black shoes. Like other clothes in the game, changing into the outfit will remove up to a two star wanted level.
Worn throughout the beginning of the game and the first portion of "Home Sweet Home", the casual clothes is the first outfit made available at the player's wardrobe alongside the Leone's suit.
GTA Vice City Stories
The Casuals in GTA Vice City Stories consists of a blue polo shirt, blue stone-washed jeans and white sneakers. Like other clothes in the game, changing into the outfit will remove up to a two star wanted level.
Although the Casuals is intended to the default attire for player character Victor Vance throughout the game, it is not available initially as the player character, serving in the army, is only dressed in Army Fatigues. Upon completion of "Conduct Unbecoming" and Victor's discharge from the army, he will be dressed in Casuals, which is then available as the only item the player's wardrobe.
A Casuals design with a yellow polo shirt was featured only once alongside a more finalized Casuals in the original trailer for GTA Vice City Stories, implying that that design was dropped fairly early during development.
Tommy Vercetti wearing the Casual in GTA Vice City.
Toni Cipriani wearing the casual clothes in GTA Liberty City Stories.
Close up of Victor Vance wearing the Casuals in GTA Vice City Stories.
See also
- Antonio, a similarly casual outfit in GTA Liberty City Stories comparable to the Casual in GTA Vice City.