This page is a category of all pages relating to Characters. To add a page to this category, edit that page and add the code: [[Category:Characters]] to the bottom.If there is a sub-category more suitable, use that instead of this one. You can add more than one category to a page; |
Characters from the entire Grand Theft Auto series
Contents: | Top 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 57 total.
(previous page) (next page)R
- Radio DJs (127 P)
- Random Characters (30 P, 3 F)
- Serial Killers (5 P)
- Sportspeople (11 P)
- Unseen Characters (680 P)
Pages in category ‘Characters’
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,306 total.
(previous page) (next page)R
- Rae
- Rafael
- Jim Ramirez
- Graham Ramsay
- Graham Ramsey
- Todd Ramsey
- Hossan Ramzy
- Random Biker
- Dimitri Rascalov
- Raul
- Raven
- Karl Raven
- Ray (GTA LCS)
- Ray's Goon
- Bobbie Ray
- Honest Ray
- Raymond
- Seymour Reamer
- Eugene Reaper
- Angela Recroe
- Old Reece
- Mark Reed
- Refried Noodle
- Gama Rei
- Bert Reker
- Helen Retriever
- Jamal Reynolds
- Stacy Rhect
- Ricardo
- Ricardo Diaz' Girlfriend
- Johnny Riccaro
- Ricci
- Richard
- David Richards
- Ira Richards
- Norm Richards
- Pastor Richards
- Rachel Richards
- Solomon Richards
- Doug Richman
- Rico
- Mike Riley
- John Rios
- Lyle Rivas
- Tom Rivas
- Agent Rivera
- Danny Rivero
- Antonio Rivette
- Rob
- Rob (GTA IV)
- Rob (GTA O)
- Jeremy Robard
- Robert (GTA V)
- Bobby Jo Roberts
- Brendan Roberts
- Butch Roberts
- Alberto Robina
- Umberto Robina
- Brian Robinson
- Denise Robinson
- Rochell'le
- Biff Rock
- Elaine Rocke
- Rocky Danger
- Councilman Rodgers
- David Rodigan
- Rodrigo
- Jordan Rodriguez
- Mike Rodriguez
- Everett Rogan
- Johnny Roger
- Rogers
- Roman's Child
- Roman's Kidnapper
- Roman's Mother
- Rafaelo Romano
- Guadaloupe Romero
- Tommy Romero
- Ronaldo
- Mr. Roncero
- Ken Rosenberg
- Eddie Rosenswag
- Sandra T. Ross
- Rossco
- Isaac Roth
- Johnny Rotten
- P. Rowe
- RP
- Abe Rudder
- Rudyard
- Kelly Rutherford
- Bas Rutten
- Johnny Ryan
- Nathanial Ryan
- Sacchmo
- Jane Sachet
- Tahir Saeed
- Sage
- Sal
- Amy Salzburg
- Sam (GTA III)
- Sammy Jo
- Tone Sampson
- Samwise
- Andreas Sanchez
- Boy Sanchez
- Eric Sanders
- Jax Santana
- Santiago
- Mr. Santo
- Sara
- Gordon Sargent
- Gary Scales
- Lou Scannon
- Ali Scatz
- Gary Schaffer
- Louie Schaffer
- Boyd Schidt
- Artie Schneider
- Schroeder
- Barbara Schternvart
- Molly Schultz
- Chuck Schwartz
- Moe Schwartz
- Richie Score
- Scorelli
- Captain Scott
- Phil G. Scott
- S Fiona Scott
- Steve Scott
- Glenn Scoville
- Lucy Screw
- Sean
- Lord Sear
- Sebastian
- Hayden Seek
- Selma
- Jesus Sentenz
- Robert Seragliano
- Serge
- Sergei
- Sergey
- Seth
- Shady
- Pete Shafer
- Shagski
- Ling Shan
- Xin Shan
- Candy Suxxx
- Montana Shane
- Shanice Jenkins
- Felix Shark
- Sharks Thief
- Leila Sharpe
- Chidaatma Shashikanth
- Thomas Shaw
- Shawn
- Shawn (GTA VC)
- Shawna
- Amy Sheckenhausen
- Gary Sheen
- Tim Sheperd
- Sherman
- Sally Sherman
- Mikey Shiba
- Congressman Shilton
- Shimmer
- Imran Shinowa
- Alex Shinsong
- Cindy Shiny
- Connor Shipley
- Shirley
- Natalya Shironova
- Shitter
- Petula Shoe
- Claudine Shorn
- Alex Shrub
- Laura Shrub
- Dick Shyster
- John Sickerman
- Sidney
- Hank Sidwell
- Renatta Sidwell
- Jimmy Silverman
- Luca Silvestri
- Simon
- Forrest Simon
- Clay Simons
- Kirk Simplex
- Jayvon Simson
- Vanilla Sin
- Sammy Sincowsky
- Johnny Sindacco
- Paulie Sindacco
- Ekant Sing
- Fidel Sistaxez
- Sister Maw
- Jackson Skinner
- Skye
- Freddy Slade