Item Definition

Item Definition
IDE Sections:

Item definition files, usually identified by the file extension .ide, are used to declare many different aspects for the map system or to specify special behavior rules for one of the aspects. They are stored in plain text format, so that they can be opened by any text editing program (like Notepad), but there are also some tools to simplify editing.


The item definition files are split up into several sections. There is no order on how you arrange the sections and sections do not need to appear in the file.

Format and syntax description

Line comments are indicated by the character # (number sign) and empty lines are allowed. They can be placed anywhere in the file. The game reads up to a maximum of 256 characters for each line and ignores the rest if the line is longer. Each section starts with a section identifier (usually four characters long, e.g. objs, tobj, etc.) indicating how the content of the section gets interpreted by the game. The identifier is followed by the definition entries. Each entry takes one line and every line follows a specific format which are described in the articles handling the sections in detail (see below). The end of any section is indicated by the terminating string end. Both the section identifier and terminating string are case sensitive. Lines within sections are always formatted in the same way differing only in the number of parameters describing the semantical content of the line. Data are usually separated by the character , (comma) but can be separated by  (space). Tabs and spaces anywhere in the beginning of the line, between data, or after the data are omitted by the game and can be used to improve readability for human eyes. The games' parser uses an invariant culture to parse numerical values and strings, which means strings are ASCII encrypted and the decimal separator is . (period).


# line comment
# default style in objs section
200, ind_land101, pjs, 1, 127, 0
# valid style
	    200 ind_land101 pjs 1 127 0


The following table contains all known sections in the item definition. The supported games column lists games that support the sections but it doesn't necessarily means they're functional in the games.

Section Supported games Description
objs GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines simple objects. They can be placed into the world through the inst section of the item placement files.
tobj GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines time objects. The section functions similarly to objs but has two additional parameters defining the in-game time range the object can get rendered. These objects can be placed into the world through the inst section of the item placement files.
hier GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines clump objects for use in cutscenes.
cars GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines vehicle objects.
peds GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines pedestrian objects (random NPC's).
path GTA III GTA San Andreas Adds path nodes to defined objects. This section is unstable in Vice City.
2dfx GTA III GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Adds particle effects and simple ped behaviors to defined objects.
weap GTA Vice City GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines weapon objects.
anim GTA San Andreas GTA IV Defines animated objects. The section functions similarly to objs but has one additional parameter indicating an IFP or WAD animation file to assign an animation to the object. These objects can be placed into the world through the inst section of the item placement files.
txdp GTA San Andreas GTA IV Used to virtually extend texture dictionaries.
tanm GTA IV Used to combine tobj and anim sections.
Those objects get placed inside the inst section of the WPL.
tree This section is read in GTA IV but is not functional.
vnod GTA IV
link GTA IV
mlo GTA IV Used to create interiors. This section does also contain information about portals (previous enex connections) and dimensions of the interior which influences certain aspects, like the weather, for example. All objects are placed relative to an offset placed using mlo+ inside the IPL or WPL file.
amat GTA IV This is Audio Materials. Possible Used to make a sound effect at the model. Usually used for dynamic objects.
lodm This is read in GTA IV but section is not functional.
agrps GTA IV
hand VC Xbox/Mobile

IDE Flags

Flags are used in order to specify the behaviour of objects. They are interpreted as signed 32-bit integer values where each bit describes a boolean value of a different aspect.


Bits Dec Hex Name Description Examples
0 1 0x1 - Cull model if player doesn't look at it? Read, but ignored. Fences
1 2[1] 0x2 DO_NOT_FADE Do not fade the object when it is being loaded into or out of view. Some lampposts
2 4[1] 0x4 DRAW_LAST Model is transparent. Render this object after all opaque objects, allowing transparencies of other objects to be visible through this object. Trees
3 8 0x8 ADDITIVE Render with additive blending. Previous flag must be enabled too.
4 16[1] 0x10 IS_SUBWAY Model is a tunnel, i.e. set the object as invisible unless the player enters cull zone flag 128. This flag works only with static models. Tunnels, some dynamic objects
5 32 0x20 IGNORE_LIGHTING Don't use static lighting, we want dynamic if it's possible. Some lampposts and trafficlights
6 64[1] 0x40 NO_ZBUFFER_WRITE Model is a shadow. Disable writing to z-buffer when rendering it, allowing transparencies of other objects, shadows, and lights to be visible through this object. Not implemented in the PS2 version. Shadow

GTA Vice City

Bits Dec Hex Name Description Examples
0 1 0x1 IS_ROAD Identifies objects to draw "wet reflections" on them. Roads
1 2 0x2 DO_NOT_FADE Do not fade the object when it is being loaded into or out of view. Some night objects, North Point Mall
2 4 0x4 DRAW_LAST Model is transparent. Render this object after all opaque objects, allowing transparencies of other objects to be visible through this object. Fencse, trees
3 8 0x8 ADDITIVE Render with additive blending. Previous flag will be enabled automatically. Night windows
4 16 0x10 - Read, but not used. _dy, _dt objects
5 32 0x20 IGNORE_LIGHTING Don't use static lighting, we want dynamic if it's possible. Interior objects
6 64 0x40 NO_ZBUFFER_WRITE Model is a shadow. Disable writing to z-buffer when rendering it, allowing transparencies of other objects, shadows, and lights to be visible through this object. Tree shadows
7 128 0x80 DONT_RECEIVE_SHADOWS Do not draw dynamic shadows on this object. Small objects, pickups, lamps, trees
8 256 0x100 IGNORE_DRAW_DISTANCE Ignore draw distance for this object (sets its "level" (island id) to 0). LOD models, North Bridge
9 512 0x200 IS_GLASS_TYPE_1 Breakable glass type 1: glass object changes its textures when breaking. Small windows
10 1024 0x400 IS_GLASS_TYPE_2 Breakable glass type 2: glass object doesn't change its textures when breaking. Large windows

Reference table

Bits Dec Hex Name Model info flag Ref address Ref description
0 1 0x01 IS_ROAD 0x04 0x4CA1D7 CRenderer::RenderRoads()
if (CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(entity->m_nModelIndex)->m_nFlags & IS_ROAD)
1 2 0x02 DO_NOT_FADE 0x20 0x4C7E03 CRenderer::ShouldModelBeStreamed(CEntity *,CVector const&)
if (model->m_nFlags & DO_NOT_FADE) {
    if (distance >= model->GetLargestLodDistance() + 30.0f)
        return true;
else if ( distance >= model->GetLargestLodDistance() + 50.0f)
    return true;
2 4 0x04 DRAW_LAST 0x40 0x56F4F3 CSimpleModelInfo::SetupBigBuilding(int,int)
if (model->m_nFlags & DRAW_LAST) {
    model->m_nFlags &= ~DRAW_LAST;
    dbgprint("%s was draw last\n", model->m_szName);
3 8 0x08 ADDITIVE 0x80 0x582590 CVisibilityPlugins::RenderFadingAtomic(RpAtomic *,float)
if (model->m_nFlags & ADDITIVE)
4 16 0x10 - 0x100 - -
5 32 0x20 IGNORE_LIGHTING 0x200 0x56F7C4 CSimpleModelInfo::SetAtomic(int,RpAtomic *)
if (model->m_nFlags & IGNORE_LIGHTING)
    atomic->geometry->flags &= ~rpGEOMETRYLIGHT;
6 64 0x40 NO_ZBUFFER_WRITE 0x400 0x581390 CVisibilityPlugins::RenderFadingEntities(CLinkList<CVisibilityPlugins::AlphaObjectInfo> &)
if (model->m_nType == MODEL_INFO_SIMPLE && model->m_nFlags & NO_ZBUFFER_WRITE)
7 128 0x80 DONT_RECEIVE_SHADOWS 0x800 0x48AF21 CFileLoader::LoadObjectInstance(char const*)
if (model->m_nFlags & DONT_RECEIVE_SHADOWS)
    entity->m_nFlags.bDontCastShadowsOn = true;
8 256 0x100 IGNORE_DRAW_DISTANCE 0x1000 0x487CDE CEntity::SetupBigBuilding()
if (model->m_afLodDistances[0] > 2500.0f || model->m_nFlags & IGNORE_DRAW_DISTANCE)
    entity->m_nLevel = 0;
9 512 0x200 IS_GLASS_TYPE_1 0x2000 0x488CCD CEntity::PreRender(), probably in-lined CModelInfo::IsGlassModel(int) @0x488CAA
bool CModelInfo::IsGlassModel(int modelId) {
    CBaseModelInfo *model = CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelId);
    if (model->m_nType == MODEL_INFO_SIMPLE || model->m_nType == MODEL_INFO_TIME) {
        CSimpleModelInfo *simpleModel = reinterpret_cast<CSimpleModelInfo *>(model);
        return simpleModel->m_nFlags & IS_GLASS_TYPE_1 || simpleModel->m_nFlags & IS_GLASS_TYPE_2;
    return false;
10 1024 0x400 IS_GLASS_TYPE_2 0x4000 0x488CE7 CEntity::PreRender()
if (CModelInfo::IsGlassModel(modelId)) {
    if (!(CModelInfo::GetModelInfo(modelId)->m_nFlags & IS_GLASS_TYPE_2) ) {
        entity->m_nFlags.bIsVisible = false;

Difference between GTA III and GTA IV engines

Grand Theft Auto IV not only uses different formats to the previous games, it also does not use IDs to identify objects anymore. While Grand Theft Auto III era games use an ID as an index inside an array of definitions, GTA IV uses the hashes of the model name as a key inside a hash table. For more information about this see Map System.


See also


External links


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