Recruitment Drive (GTA VC)

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Recruitment Drive
Tommy Vercetti introducing himself to film director Steve Scott at the InterGlobal Films studios.
Tommy Vercetti introducing himself to film director Steve Scott at the InterGlobal Films studios.

Tommy Vercetti introducing himself to film director Steve Scott at the InterGlobal Films studios.
Game GTA Vice City
For Steve Scott
Target Recruit Candy Suxxx.
Location Prawn Island, Vice City
Fail Death of Tommy Vercetti
Arrest of Tommy Vercetti
Death of Candy Suxxx
Death of Mercedes Cortez
Escape of Candy Suxxx's agent and his cronies
Reward $1,000
Unlocks Dildo Dodo
Unlocked by Purchasing the InterGlobal Films studios

Recruitment Drive is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City given to protagonist Tommy Vercetti by porn film director Steve Scott in InterGlobal Films in Prawn Island, Vice City.


As Steve Scott is filming, Tommy enters the scene and is surprised at the props that were going to be in the film. Tommy wants talent in the film and heads to Downtown to meet up with Candy Suxxx. Once there her agent tells Tommy that he owns her and doesn't want to let her go. Tommy chases down the agent as his cronies attack Tommy. Once the agent is killed, Tommy picks up Candy and heads to a Well Stacked Pizza Co. join in Downtown to pick up Mercedes Cortez. All three head to the studio.



The reward for completing this mission is $1,000. The mission Dildo Dodo for Steve Scott is also unlocked.


See also

Video walkthrough

PC Version - GTASeriesVideos
