Store Wars

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Store Wars
Huang Lee trying to protect a store.
Huang Lee trying to protect a store.

Huang Lee trying to protect a store.
Game GTA Chinatown Wars
For Wu Lee
Target Spanish Lords
Location East Island City, Dukes, Liberty City
Reward $50
Unlocks Copter Carnage
Unlocked by Carpe Dime

Store Wars is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, given to protagonist Huang Lee by his uncle Wu Lee from the East Island City district of Dukes, Liberty City


After you meet with Uncle Kenny, he tells you that a store under his protection is going to be attacked by the Spanish Lords. He tells Huang to block the entrances and kill any Spanish Lords that arrive.


It might be best to grab one of the Admirals nearby, as not only can you get there quick but also use it as one of the barricade vehicles. Once you arrive at the store, you'll need to get cars to block the roads leading to the store. Thankfully, there are enough cars around that can be used as blocks. Park them in barricade positions, and select a weapon so you can be ready.

Shortly later, a wave of Spanish Lords arrive to destroy the store. There is a damage meter on the top. and if any gang members throw Molotov Cocktails to firebomb it, it goes up. If it fills up, the mission is a failure. Instead, try to kill the gang members before they throw the Molotov Cocktails. If you kill a wave of Spanish Lords, another will come in a different direction. Several waves will come, but when they are all killed the mission is passed.


(At Kenny's Warehouse)

Kenny: Animals! Filth! Scum! They know nothing of honor or nobility! All they do is steal and kill and prance about like girls! What kind of real man dances?

Huang: Uncle?

Kenny: These animals could be the ones who stole Yu Jian. I'm sure they've been behind most of the attacks on us since its loss. Even now they're preparing to assault businesses that are under my protection! Heathens!

Huang: What are you talking about? Who?

Kenny: Those moronic Spanish Lords! Uphold my good name, Huang. Slaughter them all! For the love of your family and all that is holy!


The reward for the completion of this mission is $50. The mission Raw Deal is also unlocked.


  • This mission name is a spoof on the popular film series, Star Wars.

Mission Replay description

"The Spanish Lords have been putting Uncle Kenny under pressure.

He's sure they stole Yu Jian.

They tried hitting some stores under his protection, but I barricaded the street and kicked the snot out of them."