Cuban Hermes

Revision as of 04:05, 16 July 2009 by Chimpso (talk | contribs) (Added additional info.)

The Cuban Hermes is a gang adaptation of the Hermes, appearing in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.

File:Cuban Hermes (GTAVC) (front).jpg
A Cuban Hermes in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.


The Cuban Hermes is, as the name suggests, a modified Hermes which serves as the gang car for the Cubans/Los Cabrones. As such, the car is commonly seen in the Cuban gang's territory in Little Havana, Vice City.

The Cuban Hermes sports noticeable differences, appearance and performance-wise. The car's engine emits a different engine noise similar to a V8 engine. In GTA Vice City, the Cuban Hermes is black with flames on the front; in GTA Vice City Stories, the overall color of the car is grey/white. Both renditions feature additional side exhausts alongside their conventional dual rear exhausts; the GTA Vice City rendition is known to emit flames from them when accelerating.

The Cuban Hermes has higher speed and acceleration then the normal Hermes and looks to be somewhat lighter. It has pretty good cornering abilities and stability.


GTA Vice City

GTA Vice City Stories

  • In front of Umberto Robina's house.
  • Driven around Little Havana by Cuban gang members.
  • On a house in central Little Havana.
