Object.dat/GTAVC: Difference between revisions

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== See also ==
== See also ==


Revision as of 16:43, 27 August 2011

; Title		:	Object.dat
; Author	:	Richard Jobling
; Date		:	03/02/00
; (A) Object Name		[256 chars max]
; (B) Mass				[kilograms 1 to 50000]
; (C) TurnMass			[kg m^3 or some such dimension] 
; (D) Air Resistance	[scale 0 (total resistance) to 1 (zero resistance)]
; (E) Elasticity		[scale 0 (no bounce) to 1 (full bounce)]
; (F) Percent Submerged	[percentage 10 to 120]
; (G) Uproot Limit		[force magnitude required to uproot]
; (H) Collision Damage Multiplier	[0.1 - 5.0 ish]
; (I) Collision Damage Effect [uint8 integer 0 - 4]
;		0:none 
;		1:change_model
;		2:split_model
;		3:smash_and_damage_trafficlights
;		20:smash_completely
;		21:change_then_smash
;		50:smash_cardbox_completely		(only for cardbox1 & cardbox4)
;		51:smash_yellow_target_completely(bankjob2's targets)
;		60:smash_woodenbox_completely	(only for woodenbox);
;		70:smash_trafficcone_completely	(only for trafficcone);
;		80:smash_barpost_completely		(only for smashbar);
;		91:smash_newstandnew1			(only for newstandnew);
;		92:smash_newstandnew2			(only for newstandnew);
;		93:smash_newstandnew3			(only for newstandnew);
;		94:smash_newstandnew4			(only for newstandnew);
;		95:smash_newstandnew5			(only for newstandnew);
;		100:smash_blackbag				(only for blackbag)
;		110:smash_vegpalm				(only for veg_palmXXX);
;		120:burst_beachball				(only for beachball);
;		131:smash_beachlounge_wood		(only for wood lounges);
;		132:smash_beachlounge_towel		(only for towel lounge);
; (J) Special Collision Response Cases [uint8 0 - 4] 0:none(default) 1:lampost 2:smallbox 3:bigbox 4:fencepart
; (K) Camera to avoid this object (0) for no (1) for yes
;A					B			C		D			E			F			G		H		I	J	K
adrenaline			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
info				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
health				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
subwaygate			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
tunnelentrance		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
bodyarmour			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
mine				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
briefcase			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
petrolcanm			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
Money				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bar_barrier10		500.0,		5000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		350.0,	1.0,	1,	4,	0
bar_barrier12		500.0,		5000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		350.0,	1.0,	1,	4,	0
dk_camjonesdoor		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
printdooor  		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lf_mediastage		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
od_celldoor02		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
;firedoor,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
Electricgate,		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	0
lamppost1,			600.0,		4000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
lamppost2,			1250.0,		12500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
lamppost3,			700.0,		6000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
trafficlight1,		1500.0,		12000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		280.0,	1.0,	3,	1,	0
MTraffic4,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		280.0,	1.0,	3,	1,	0
MTraffic1,			1500.0,		12000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		280.0,	1.0,	3,	1,	0
MTraffic2,			1500.0,		12000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		280.0,	1.0,	3,	1,	0
parkingmeter,		60.0,		100.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	0,  2,  0    1500.0,		12000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		500.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	01,	1,	0
wastebin,			10.0,		10.0	0.97,		0.1,		120.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	1,	0,	0
;rubble01,			200.0,		400.0 	0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;rubble02,			100.0,		150.0 	0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bin1,				200.0,		140.0 	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	1,	0,	0
postbox1,			200.0,		150.0 	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	1,	0,	0
fire_hydrant,		150.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	1,	0,	0
bollardlight		150.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
trafficcone,		25.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
Bnk_grill01,		25.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		10.0,  	1.0,	70,	2,	0
Gasgrenade,			25.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		10.0,  	1.0,	70,	0,	0

Dynamite,			25.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
package1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,		1.0,	0,	0,	0
barrel1,			50.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	0,	0,	0
barrel2,			250.0,		150.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	0,	0,	0
barrel3,			100.0,		100.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	0,	0,	0
barrel4,			100.0,		100.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	0,	0,	0
dump1,				900.0,		900.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	1,	0,	0
palette,			50.0,		150.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	1,	0,	0
roadworkbarrier1,  	30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	0,	0,	0
woodenbox,			250.0,		250.0  	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,    1.5,	60,	0,	1
jw_coffin,			250.0,		250.0  	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,    1.9,	1,	0,	0
bussign1,			30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,  1.0,	0,	1,	0
noparkingsign1,		30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,  1.0,	0,	1,	0
phonesign,			30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,  1.0,	0,	1,	0
parkbench1,			50.0,		100.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		5.0,    1.0,	1,	0,	0
;taxisign,			30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,  1.0,	0,	1,	0
doublestreetlght1,	700.0,		7000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,  1.0,	1,	1,	0
parktable1,			250.0,		500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,    1.0,	1,	0,	0
cardboardbox2,		20.0,		20.0	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		0.0,  	4.0,	50,	2,	0
cardboardbox4,		40.0,		80.0	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,  	2.5,	50,	2,	0
cardboardbox,		10.0,		10.0	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		0.0,  	2.5,	50,	2,	0
; extra sea lifeforms:
beachball,			5.0,		5.0  	0.99,		0.65,		50.0,		0.0,  	10.0,   120, 2,	0
sandcastle1,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
sandcastle2,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
jellyfish,			5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
jellyfish01,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish1single,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish1s,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish2single,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish2s,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish3single,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
fish3s,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
turtle,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
dolphin,			5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
shark,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
submarine,			5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
lounge_wood_up,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	131, 2,	0
lounge_towel_up,	5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	132, 2,	0
lounge_wood_dn,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	131, 2,	0
lotion,				5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
beachtowel01,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
beachtowel02,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
beachtowel03,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
beachtowel04,		5.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		100.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	70,	2,	0
lhouse_barrier1,	250.0,		1500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		350.0,	1.0,	1,	4,	0
papermachn01		50.0,		50.0	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	1,	0,	0
grenade, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;ak47, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bat, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
colt45, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
molotov, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;rocket, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
chromegun, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
sniper, 			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
uzi, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;m16, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
flame, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
brassknuckle		1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
screwdriver			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
golfclub			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
nitestick			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
knifecur			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
hammer				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
cleaver				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
machete				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
katana				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
chnsaw				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
teargas				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
python				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
ruger				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
shotgspa			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
buddyshot			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
m4					1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
tec9				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
ingramsl			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
mp5lng				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
laser				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
rocketla			1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
M60					1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
minigun				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
camera				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;donkeymag			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bomb, 				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bouy,				1250.0,		2500.0	0.99,		0.05,		30.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;joey_door1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	1
;joey_door2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	1
petrolpump			250.0,		350.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		120.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
washgaspump			350.0,		500.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		120.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
Columbiangate		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	0
newtowerdoor1		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	1
line				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
faketarget			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bribe				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
bonus				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
killfrenzy			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
camerapickup		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
;smashbar			20.0,		20.0   	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		0.0,   	4.0,	50,	2,	0
smashbar			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	80,	0,	0
barrelexpos			250.0,		150.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	0,	0
helix_barrier		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	1
;property			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
property_fsale		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
trashcan			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
keycard				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
pizzabox			10.0,		10.0	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		0.0, 	2.0,	50,	2,	0
tar_gun1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	50,	0,	0
tar_gun2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	50,	0,	0
;tar_gun3			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	50,	0,	0
;tar_gun4			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	50,	0,	0
tar_civ1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	0
tar_civ2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	0
tar_downleft		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	51,	0,	0
tar_downright		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	51,	0,	0
tar_frame			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	0,	0,	0
tar_top				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	51,	0,	0
tar_upleft			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	51,	0,	0
tar_upright			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	5.0,	51,	0,	0
waterjump1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	1
waterjumpx2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	1
yt_main_body		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
yt_main_body2		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
big_poly_tings		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
big_poly_tings_b	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
yt_doors14			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
yt_tmp_boat			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
yt_gangplnk_tmp,	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dk_reef,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lodmain_body		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
yacht_chunk_kb		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
rcbomb,				25.0,		50.0  	0.99,		0.03,		80.0,		10.0,  	2.0,	0,	0,	0
gunbox				20.0,		20.0	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		0.0,  	99.9,	50,	2,	0
dts_gs_liftdoorL,  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dts_gs_liftdoorR,  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
bnk_lft_door1,  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
bnk_lft_door2,  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
wglasssmash			9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
glassfx_composh		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
nbspraydoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dk_paynspraydoor	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dts_glassplane_a	9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
od_copwindows		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
dts_soapytitwank_a 	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	0.1,	0,	0,	0
dts_soapytitwank_b 	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	0.1,	0,	0,	0
dts_spot_a 			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nt_roadblockCI		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
stripclbdropen		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
stripclbdrclsd		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
cop_dr_open 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
cop_dr_closed 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dts_bbdoor 			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
comgate1closed		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
comgate1open		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
comgate2closed		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
comgate2open		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
od_clbdr_open 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
od_clbdr_close 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
rocketed_win1 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
unrocketed_win1 	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
golf_gatesopen		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
golf_gatesclosed	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
strpbckdrclsd		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1

;htl_gls_1			9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
;htl_gls_2			9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
;htl_gls_3			9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_jewelwin01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_jewelwin02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_jewelwin03		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
;ml_boderswin01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
;ml_boderswin02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin03		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin04		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin05		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_recordwin06 		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows03		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows04		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows05		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows06		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows07		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows08		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows09		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows10		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows11		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
bikeshop_glass		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
bikeshop_glass2		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_gapwindows12		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_coffwin01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_coffwin02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_borderswin01		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
ml_borderswin02		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
nbdcoshpwin			9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
nbdcoshpwin2		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
nbdcoshpwin3		9999.0,		99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	0
newstandnew1 		50.0,		100.0  	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		1000.0,	2.0,	91,	1,	0
newstandnew2 		50.0,		100.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		1000.0,	2.0,	92,	1,	0
newstandnew3 		50.0,		100.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		1000.0,	2.0,	93,	1,	0
newstandnew4 		50.0,		100.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		1000.0,	2.0,	94,	1,	0
newstandnew5 		50.0,		100.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		1000.0,	2.0,	95,	1,	0
Streetlamp2 		600.0,		4000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
Streetlamp1 		600.0,		4000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
mlamppost			600.0,		4000.0	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		240.0,	1.0,	1,	1,	0
Barrierm 			30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.04,		50.0,		0.0,    0.5,	70,	4,	0
Mpostbox1 			200.0,		150.0 	0.99,		0.03,		50.0,		100.0,	1.0,	1,	0,	0
parkingmeterg 		30.0,		50.0   	0.99,		0.05,		50.0,		100.0,  1.0,	0,	1,	0
BlackBag1 			100.0,		150.0 	0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	100,0,	0
BlackBag2 			100.0,		150.0 	0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	100,0,	0
veg_palmkb2			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb8			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb7			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb1			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb5			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb9			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb10		99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb4			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
pot_02				99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb3			99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
veg_palmkb14		99999.0,	99999.0 0.97,		0.05,		120.0,		0.0,   	0.5,	110,0,	0
nhaitplatdrr,		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nhaitplatdr,		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lh_race01,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
lh_race02,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
lh_race03,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
lh_race04,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
lh_race05,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0
lh_race06,			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	0

ci_gatesclosed 	 	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ci_backgateclose	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ci_jetygatesclosed 	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ci_jetygatesopen  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ci_gatesopen  		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ci_backgateopen  	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1

ph_build_dr_open	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
ph_build_dr_closed	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_closed1		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_open1		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_closed2		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_open2		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_closed3		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
spad_dr_open3		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dt_gspot_stairs		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1

lh_strikethrough	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	1
lh_imp_exp01 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	1
lh_imp_exp02 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	1
lh_imp_exp03 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	1
lh_imp_exp04 		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	0,	1
clothesp			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0
Esc_step			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0

dk_waretankdoor1	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
hav_garagedoor1		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
hav_garagedoor02	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
hav_garagedoor03	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
hav_garagedoor04	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lh_showdoor02		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lh_showdoor03		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lh_showdoor1		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
lhtankdoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nbtgardoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nbtgardoor02		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dt_savedra			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dt_savedrb			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dt_savedrc			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dt_savedrd			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
wshpnsdoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dk_bombdoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
haiwshpnsdoor		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nbecpnsdoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nbtgardoor03		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
man_frntstepGD		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
svegrgedoor			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1

pickupsave			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		125.0,	1.0,	0,	0,	0

dtbloodring_a		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	0
dthotring_a			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	0
dtdirtring_a		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	0,	0
dtn_staddoora		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
dtn_staddoorb		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	1
nt_roadblockGF		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
wsh_roadblock		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
icedoor				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,   	1.0,	0,	4,	1
mansion_new_doors	99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
man_doorclosed		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
man_dooropen		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
sexypoolcover		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0

moneybag			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
boomshine			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
mask				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
coke_voodoo			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
trophy1				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
sutibag				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
pornposters			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
wshperdrclsd		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
haitaxidr			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1
b_hse_doors			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0,  	1.0,	0,	4,	1

frame1				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
frame1damaged		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
flame_tins			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
trophies			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
heli_box			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
pizza_box1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
pizza_mess			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
pizza_mess2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
man_rubbish03		99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
gash_bags1			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
gashbags2			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
Poloroids			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
gun_docs			99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0
shovel				99999.0,	99999.0	0.99,		0.1,		50.0,		0.0, 	1.0,	0,	4,	0

* ;end of file

See also
