Sara Random Encounter 1/Script

The following is a script of the first encounter with Sara in Grand Theft Auto IV.


Sara: Hey there, handsome.

Niko: Hello.

Sara: Hi. Let me ask you a question,

Niko: Okay... what?

Sara: Have I still got it?

Niko: Got what?

Sara: Time was, I would walk down this street and I'd feel the eyes popping out of a guy like your's head... I was H.O.T... but now, I'm not so sure.

Niko: Okay, you're really attractive. Can I go now?

Sara: Bullshit, limpdick. I'm not 'really attractive'. I'm stunning! Or, I'm mutton dressed as fucking lamb. These are fucking five hundred dollar shoes! Doesn't that mean something to you?

Niko: No.

Sara: Well, that shows what you know.

Niko: No doubt.

Sara: I just got divorced.

Niko: Well I'm sorry to hear that.

Sara: I don't need your fucking pity.

Niko: Fine.

Sara: Have you got a smoke?

Niko: No, I don't.

Sara: Listen, can you give me a ride home?


Sara: Let's go tough guy.

Niko: I would have thought a girl like you would live in Middle Park East or somewhere.

Sara: Honey, when you're in the fashion world you need to be in touch with the street. You need to be able to feel what the people are doing. I grew up in Middle Park East but I couldn't live there anymore. It's too... vanilla. Suffolk's going that way too.

Niko: They're expensive as well.

Sara: Bullshit. I could live wherever I want. I'm taking that impotent ex of mine for everything he has. My lawyer found so many holes in the pre-nup it may as well have been written on Swiss cheese.

Niko: Great. Seems like the marriage was at least profitable.

Sara: I needed to get something out of it. It's not like I was being sexually gratified. Impotent loser. Christ, I was spending a grand a month just on vibrators. It was ridiculous.

(Niko takes Sara home)

Sara: This is it. Thanks, Darl.

Niko: Don't mention it.

Sara: I'm just here to get some stuff. This guy's been fucking my brains out all week. He's hung like a rhino.

(Niko begins to fight Sara's ex)

Sara's boyfriend: Hey, you dick! That's my wife you been screwing.