User:Gta-mysteries/The Fixer's Assassinations/Script

The following is a script of The Fixer's Assassinations in Grand Theft Auto IV.

First Call

Niko: Uhhh... hello? I'm a friend of Phil's.

Fixer: Niko Bellic, I know who you are, brother. You're after some money.

Niko: Just like everyone else in this city. What's your deal?

Fixer: People come to me when they need something handled. I come to people like you when I need someone handled. Do you get me, brother?

Niko: I get you.

Fixer: When you've taken care of something for me, call me on my cellular, but not specifics. Phil's good at that. I only talk business on a hard line.


Niko: Alright brother, I'm in need of a job.

Niko: Alright, man. You got any work for me?

Niko: I'd like some work, brother.

Niko: I'd like some work, my friend. You got anything?

(Calling after a successful assassination)

Fixer: I have a client with a problem. You'll get your normal rate to assist them with it.

Fixer: There's a file for you, brother. A quick, smooth job like the last one is what we need.


Bailing out for Good

Fixer: There's some heat on this one. The target is at the police station in Leftwood.

Derelict Target

Fixer: It's three men, they've been lured to an old building in Alderney City. Finish them there.

Hook, Line and Sinker

Fixer: The target you're after is on a boat at the northern mouth of the West River. Take it out.

Industrial Action

Fixer: You need to eliminate three targets at the refinery in the Acter Industrial Park.

Migration Control

Fixer: Go to Alderney City. The target you require is on top of the Booth Tunnel.

R.U.B. Down

Fixer: The target's over in the Acter Industrial Park. Make this quiet.

Taken Out

Fixer: The target is in a car, they're moving around Alderney. Take them out.

Completing a mission

Niko: Everything is taken care of, brother.

Niko: I closed that file for you, brother.

Niko: It's done, brother.

Fixer: Righteous. I'll get our payment. Contact me on the outside line for more jobs.

Fixer: Tell the client that they don't need to worry.

Niko: It is now time to collect from the client.

Fixer: This is a regular account. I'll inform the accountant of your success.

Niko: My end of this deal is complete.

Fixer: If you're in need of another file we can discuss it - on the hard line.

Fixer: Right on, brother. I'll collect the funds. If you want more work, contact me on the hard line.