User:Gta-mysteries/Drug Delivery/Script

Calling Jacob

Niko: Jacob, I can move a package for you if you have one.

Niko: Hey, Jacob. Are you sitting on any packages that you need me to deliver?

Niko: Alright man, if you got any product to move, I could do with the money.

Niko: Jacob, do you and Badman have any packages you need to move?

Niko: Jacob, what's up? I'm looking for a job if you have a package you want delivered.

Niko: Hey, Jacob. You got any product that needs delivering?

Niko: Hey, I'm looking for something to do, are you and Badman in need of a delivery boy?

Niko: Alright man, I need some money. Do you and Badman have any product that needs delivering?

Jacob declining

Little Jacob: I an' I sorry, Niko. But dere ain't nothing going at the moment.

Little Jacob: Ahh, Niko, me sorry man, the last package I and I had just leave and ting. Ya need fe call another time, seen?

Little Jacob: Boy, you need fe look somewhere else for work at de minute, brother. We don't got no packages.