Death Row

Revision as of 03:05, 1 August 2008 by gtw>MetaCracken
Death Row
Game GTA Vice City
For Kent Paul
Target Saving Lance Vance.
Location The Malibu Club
Reward Nothing, but instead unlocks a mission to take down Ricardo Diaz
Unlocks Final mission for Colonel Cortez

Death Row is the only mission in the game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to be done for character Kent Paul.



Lance Vance tried to kill Ricardo Diaz on his own but has failed and Diaz has captured him. Now Diaz's guys are torturing Lance in the VC Junkyard, you have to save him and take him to the hospital, but hurry...Lance won't live for ever!

The Mission

After receiving the briefing from Kent Paul, a blue bar that indicates Lance's health will appear and start to go down. If the bar reaches it's end, the mission's failed. Take a fast car and drive to the junkyard; there are three possible ways to do this mission:

1: Front Assault - This way, it's easier to free Lance but harder to escape the junkyard. A head on assault to the junkyard, park the car close to the junkyard entrance, but not too close, because if you park it too close it will be gone by the time you come back. Then get in the junkyard and kill all of Diaz's guys, including the ones inside the Trashmaster and the one on top of the crane. When they're dead, run to the hangar at the end of the Junkyard and kill the guards near Lance, then go over to him and free Lance from his binds. Now you will have to get out of the junkyard and take Lance to the hospital (don't worry about Lance's health, the bar will have disappeared, but Lance will die if he gets shot or hit by a vehicle) run to your car, get in and make a drive for it, since four of Diaz's guys will come after you driving Comets and Cheetahs. Make a mad drive to the hospital whilst avoiding Diaz's guys.

2: Unseen Assailant - This way it's harder to free Lance, but easier to escape the junkyard. Drive to the junkyard, but go up a turning street that looks like a wide "U" and park your car next to the alley that has the sign that reads "Welcome To Hell", then get off and run down the alley. There will be a red bridge; cross it and go to your left, there will be a back entrance to the junkyard. Enter and kill the two guys near you, then all of Diaz's guys, except the ones guarding Lance and the guy on top of the crane who will come after you. Kill them, kill the guy on the crane, kill Lance's guards and then go free Lance. Now go back down the secret entrance you came in and run across the bridge, don't worry, Lance will follow, run down the alley and get in your car, wait for Lance to get in and then drive! It will be extremely hard for Diaz's guys to catch up with you now, but it is possible, so drive to the hospital and drop off Lance.

Once you leave Lance at the hospital, the mission is complete.

3: Shoot Fast and Drive Fast - This way it's neutral to free Lance and escape the junkyard, as long as you don't let your guard down. To get to the junkyard faster, you'll need to have the sports car next to the club right after the cutscene finishes. Make a mad dash to the junkyard, but if possible, park far from the junkyard, and use your sniper rifle to neutralize two guys at the junkyard entrance. Then enter the junkyard and use a submachine gun to quickly take down Diaz's gangs (and they'll dispense a lot of money once they die, but you must act fast). Now, finish off the last of the Diaz's gangs that are holding Lance hostage. Right after that, run to the parked Sentinel next to it (the Trashmaster may have durability, but it does'nt have enough speed). Once you got in, put the pedal to the metal and ram through the roadblock and drive as fas as you can as you are being pursued by more Diaz's gangs. Keep driving fast, until you reach the hospital in a flash. Once you've reached the hospital, your mission is now complete.


(Malibu Club, Tommy Vercetti and Kent Paul)

Kent Paul: Awright mush, I'm gonna save your Vera, mate.

Tommy Vercetti: What the hell are you talking about?

Kent Paul: You know that wanker Diaz, The Bugle Master. He's got your boy, Lance. Word is your mate tried to jump him...didn't jump high enough if you know what I mean.

Tommy: Where did he take him? In plain English!

Kent Paul: Keep your barnet on! They got him across town at the Junkyard!

(Tommy violently drops Kent to the floor and storms off).

Kent Paul: Bloody nutter!

(Junkyard, after Tommy frees Lance, Tommy Vercetti and Lance Vance)

Tommy: There goes my careful planning blown to shit, thanks to you. You screwed up real good, Lance!

Lance Vance: He killed by brother. What do you expect me to do, mow his lawns?

Tommy: We're gonna have to take that prick Diaz out before he takes us out. You OK to use a gun?

Lance: Sure...I guess...nice to see you, too.

Tommy: Let's get out of here.

(Downtown Hospital, Tommy and Lance)

Tommy: Get patched up and meet me on the bridge to Star Island, OK?

Lance: OK, I got you.

External Links


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City missions
Preceded by: Followed by:
Supply & Demand 'Death Row' All Hands On Deck