Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Revision as of 19:42, 18 May 2010 by NT92 (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)

Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend is the final mission for the McReary Family. In this mission, Niko Bellic and Packie McReary arrange a deal on Colony Island to exchange their hostage, Gracie Ancelotti, for a ransom of diamonds.

Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
Niko Bellic, Patrick McReary, and Gracie Ancelotti (foreground) meeting Gay Tony and Luis Fernando Lopez (background) at the exchange of the diamonds for Gracie.
Niko Bellic, Patrick McReary, and Gracie Ancelotti (foreground) meeting Gay Tony and Luis Fernando Lopez (background) at the exchange of the diamonds for Gracie.

Niko Bellic, Patrick McReary, and Gracie Ancelotti (foreground) meeting Gay Tony and Luis Fernando Lopez (background) at the exchange of the diamonds for Gracie.
Game [[Grand Theft Auto IV
The Ballad of Gay Tony (Different mission title)|Grand Theft Auto IV
The Ballad of Gay Tony (Different mission title)]][[Appearance::Grand Theft Auto IV
The Ballad of Gay Tony (Different mission title)| ]]
For Gerry McReary
Target Bulgarin's Men
Location Sewage works at Charge Island.
Fail Niko, Packie or Gracie Ancelotti is killed.
Reward Nothing
Unlocks New Random Character Gracie Ancelotti
Unlocked by She's a Keeper


Niko and Packie offer to give the Ancelottis back Giovanni Ancelotti's daughter, Gracie, in exchange for diamonds Luis Lopez stole back in an earlier incident. While Gracie is sucessfully returned to her family, the deal is interrupted (for Niko and Patrick only) by Ray Bulgarin, whose men temporarily steal the diamonds. Niko and Packie engage them in a prolonged gunfight, but the man with the diamonds throws them into a passing dump truck out of spite, trusting neither Bulgarin nor Niko and Packie to let him live. Packie does indeed kill him, and the pair are left with neither their hostage nor their ransom. Niko comments in Serbian: "Fucked Up. As Usual."


Head over to the safehouse in Northwood, Algonquin. Packie and Gracie are waiting for you in the car. Hop in and drive to Charge Island.

Drive into the yellow marker at the exchange point, which is an abandoned oil factory. A cutscene shows the deal. The deal becomes botched when Rodislav Bulgarin steals the diamonds and Luis Fernando Lopez and Anthony Prince escape with Gracie, so basically Packie and Niko lose everything.

Gain cover and shoot Bulgarin's men. There are about a dozen, so take your time. Use a grenade only when Packie is far from the detonation point. Once the nearby men have been wiped out, get closer and ambush the remaining ones. Follow Packie to the hallways above ground. There will be a lot of men on the aboveground hallways so use the pipes as cover.

Packie and Niko will split up with Niko taking the "low road" and Packie taking the "high road." The view will focus on three cars that skid on the ground nearby; use a rocket launcher or a few grenades and blow up the cars before the men can spread out and cause trouble.

Meet back up with Packie and corner the two men with the diamonds. Watch as the men drop the diamonds into a moving Biff dump truck below. Packie curses and draws his gun; help Packie kill the men, then slide down the ladder. Drive Packie to his Mom's house in Meadows Park, Dukes. On the way, Packie will lament the failure of their plan.


On the radio and in "The Liberty Tree" an article mentions a poor man living in the garbage finding a bag of diamonds, and becomes rich. The man said he was going to Vice City to open a weapons business. However this is ret-conned in The Ballad of Gay Tony where in an updated version of the story states that he found them in the trash in Meadows Park (as seen in the closing cutscene of the mission "Departure Time") in Luis' side of the story.


  • This mission is played through Luis's point of view in The Ballad of Gay Tony's mission Ladies Half Price.
  • If you call Roman after this mission he will mention Luis shooting up the museum and how he was at the deal. Roman, however will mention about one night he slept with two girls then realising it was Mother and Daughter, Niko then hangs up.
  • If you haven't killed Ray before this mission, you can call him afterwards. Niko will mention that "some Russian" he knows also claimed that the diamonds belonged to him as well.
  • Luis could've been killed with no penalty in the mission Three Leaf Clover, which would make the events of this mission and TBoGT impossible. For the player to do this is obviously non-canon, as Niko would not just shoot an innocent hostage. Likewise, Johnny and Niko can kill each other in their respective missions (Johnny will fail, Niko will not), again they would have no reason to want to do this. Luis can too kill Niko and Packie during Ladies Half Price or Not So Fast. These instances are not intended (Though a failure phonecall can be accessed if Niko is dies in Collector's Item, but the game will say Niko was injured, not killed).