Three Leaf Clover

Three Leaf Clover
Niko and his team handling the police attention
Niko and his team handling the police attention

Niko and his team handling the police attention
For Packie McReary, Derrick McReary, Gerry McReary, Michael's parents, Niko Bellic
Location The Bank of Liberty and Subway in Algonquin
Reward $250,000
Unlocks The state of Alderney &
"Full Exploration" achivement

Three Leaf Clover is the third and final mission offered by Packie McReary, involving robbing the Bank of Liberty in Chinatown, Algonquin. Packie and Niko take along their friend Michael and Packie's brother Derrick for extra protection.


Niko drives the group to the Bank of Liberty which is located in Chinatown, Algonquin. They rob the bank of $1 million USD and make their escape through the streets and subways of Chinatown, Algonquin. Packie is proud that he and his gang, including Niko kept their heads and managed to get the money to split between themselves.


"Get on the floor!" In this picture, Niko, Derrick, and Packie threaten all the customers down to the floor.

The mission is split up into 4 sections realy. the drive there, the shootout in the street, the subway shootout and the drive back. Before arriving at his mother's house, Packie will have texted you about wearing a smart suit and shoes from Perseus. When you arrive at his house, you will meet Derrick McReary, Gerald McReary, and their friend Michael Keane. Gerald does not take lightly to Niko being involved in the family business and reminds Niko that Derrick has returned. After the cutscene, Packie tells Niko to get a car with four doors so they can all fit.

this is the first section drive to the Southern Algonquin branch of the Bank of Liberty. A cutscene will show Niko, Packie, Derrick, and Michael threatening all the customers to the floor of the bank. Derrick and Packie have an argument, giving one of the hostages (Eugene Reaper), the chance to shoot Michael and kill him. Packie and Derrick kill Eugene in retaliation. The team then blows up the vault door.

Niko heads down into the vault and grabs $1 million. NOOSE and FIB police officers arrive at the scene with helicopters and cars, prompting Packie to decide that they need to leave now with the money they have already collected.

this is section 2 Niko, Derrick, and Packie take cover at the front of the bank and begin to gun their way out of a five-star wanted level. Due to the heavy presence of heavily armed officers and vehicles, escaping at this point is extremely difficult. there is roughly 16 standard cops spread out over the street. Packie, Derrick, and Niko shoot their way through an alleyway (there is 4 swat members and 8 other cops you have to kill) and three streets in Chinatown. the first street you come across 2 cars one swat car and one normal police car with about 6 men in total. the second on street has the most amount of cops in the level so take cover with cops on fire exits and several men on the ground in total 22 cops. the final street is the easiest just run straight across to where packie and derick is there is only 8 men you can kill for this section. They are trapped in the final alleyway by a police helicopter but then Packie leads them down into a subway station.

Police shootout

when you get it to the subway entrance there are two cops shooting at packie and derick so make them go fiirst and equip your smg or shotgun to kill them. the next part of the subway is killing 4 cops waiting for niko and the crew, after dealing with them there is 8 noose coming up the stairs so equip your assault rifle and conserve ammo and aim for headshots caus its difficult with 8 heavily armed noose guys all firing at you. go down the steps and into the subway to escape there are 8 guys across the tracks. when you get onto the tracks 10 noose opertives try to follow you try to kill most of them but don't try to kill them all (because you killed to many) or realy because derick and packie will leave you. after that thats the final encounter with police until you get topside you here derick and packie blame each other for what happened to micheal but niko set them straight. When they lose the police, Packie asks Niko to take him and his brother Derrick back to his Mom's house in Meadows Park, Dukes (on Savannah Avenue near the Monoglobe).

On the way, Packie explains how they will split the money. Niko, Packie and Derrick get $250,000 each. The remaining $250,000 will be given to Michael's parents since he died in the heist. On average, Niko, Packie and Derrick will kill over 80 cops.


Following successful completion of this mission, Gerald McReary will call Niko and ask to see him in Dukes, followed by Packie's request that you help Derrick out in Alderney.

The terrorist threat separating both sides of the West River is lifted subsequent to completion of this mission, opening up the Booth Tunnel and Hickey Bridge. Consequently Niko is able to travel to Alderney legally, with the entire map now open to the player.

This will also unlock the Full Exploration achievement on the Xbox 360 or PC version. Or, if the PlayStation 3 version is being played, the player gets a trophy, Full Exploration.

Shortly after this mission Packie will call Niko and be added as a friend.


  • The outfit Niko wears during this mission (suits with balaclavas), the weapons you use (M4A1's), the large black bags of money slung over your back and the general set-up of the mission may be a homage to the 1995 film Heat, in which Robert De Niro and his henchmen rob a bank in similar fashion, including a subsequent running shootout in the surrounding city streets of Downtown L.A.
  • The amount of money that Niko grabs is unknown, however it is thought to be $1 million USD because Niko, Packie, and Derrick each get $250,000 and Michael's parents get $250,000 making the total of the money 1 million dollars.
  • The five star wanted level that Niko gains after the robbery cannot even be removed with cheats.
  • Some of the NOOSE and FIB agents shoot at Niko and his team from fire escapes above the streets of Chinatown. How they got up there in so little time remains unknown. Also, there is not much reason for the agents to be shooting from above since there are sufficient lethal agents taking cover behind their cars.
  • If you kill the pilot of the Annihilator that corners you, it will explode instantly despite being very low over the ground.
  • Luis Fernando Lopez, the next suspected DLC protagonist, is seen in this mission.
  • Reception of this mission by fans has shown that these types of missions are very popular.
