Talk:Girlfriends in GTA IV

Preferred Vehicles

I suggest that they take the 'suggestions' for vehicles to take on dates with Kiki. e.g 'Marbelle, Washington and Vigero', as these are only 3 cars, and ALOT of cars get Kiki 'in the mood' (The PMP 600 for example, which i always drive when dating her). I just think the suggestions are out of place. Ess-Tee 05:20, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

The reason is that Kiki likes Mid to expensive cars. as you know there are many such cars. It would be a hassle to test and write them all so just naming a few helps. --Chimpso 10:38, 29 June 2009 (UTC)
Or they could name none of them. It's either a complete detailed list or none? Perhaps you should just edit the part about 'Mid to Expensive' cars into it, rather than having a half effort small listing of vehicles there? Ess-Tee 07:37, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Im not really catching your point here. Your saying that it is better to NOT give an example then to GIVE an example!?! If you really wanna test EVERY car in GTA IV and see wqhich ones Kiki likes then im sure everyone would be delighted. --Chimpso 07:42, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Haha you're a smart one man :P Perhaps i'll edit the article in a way that we both see fit, i'll give it a try now. Ess-Tee 07:44, 30 June 2009 (UTC)