Mount Chiliad in GTA III Era

Mount Chiliad

Mount Chiliad is a half kilometer tall mountain located in Whetstone, San Andreas. It is reportedly based upon the real-life Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County, California. Immediately to the north is the bustling city of San Fierro, while just to the south, at the mountain's base, is the small town of Angel Pine. Races are held here on Mountain Bikes in the daytime starting from the mountain's peak toward the mountain's base. As with many countryside areas, Mount Chiliad has been reported to contain myths such as Leatherface and Bigfoot. Screaming has been said to have been heard at night.

Mission appearances

Stationary Vehicles

  • Camper (found at the peak)
  • Journey (found at the peak)
  • Mesa (at the base and near the entrance of the mountain, appears only when wanted for export)
  • Mountain Bike (Found at the base near the entrance to the mountain and also at the summit, which starts The Chiliad Challenge when hopped on during daytime, and at the foot of the mountain)
  • Sanchez (at the base and near the entrance of the mountain)



  • Sometimes at the summit, a Rustler or a Beagle may crash into the highest point of the mountain.
  • Strange lights in the sky of varying size can be seen while standing at the very top at night.
