Talk:Grand Theft Walrus

Occasionally people need a laugh when they come to the site (not meaning there aren't a lot of laughs). Also, it improves the chances of the site being found if people search for it. --LuisFernandoLopez 17:28, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

I understand what you mean, but there's loads of minor references to GTA in films/cartoons/TV shows, so I don't see what makes "Grand Theft Walrus" so important - and I personally don't find it amusing, but that's just me. However, if anyone else agrees, I think it would be better to put things like this into an article called "GTA in Popular Culture" or something similar - we really don't need to devote an entire article to each individual "real world" reference to GTA - it's just wasteful and unnecessary. - Hardrock182 17:35, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
In what way is it wasteful, if you don't mind me asking? --LuisFernandoLopez 17:36, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
What I mean is that it's effectively a "waste of space" (don't take that as an insult). As the main goal of this website is to provide information about GTA games (as well as their features, vehicles characters etc), it's just really pointless to have - potentially - loads of different articles about things which are not directly related to GTA i.e. real world references, fan faction, unofficial modifications etc. Like I said, it would be better to move this into an article called "GTA in Popular Culture", as I can recall many references to GTA off the top of my head; from films, games, TV shows etc, which could be added to the article along with "Grand Theft Walrus" - it would just be better to keep them all in the same place, if that makes sense?. - Hardrock182 17:48, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
I suppose, but please include the pictures on the page. --LuisFernandoLopez 17:50, 13 June 2009 (UTC)