User:Original Light

Personal information

Real Name Nick

Location Windsor CT

Hometown Windsor CT

Ocupation Student

About Me I Love GTA series and call of duty series, basicaly any thing with guns.

Other Information

Movies Colors, The Unborn,The Mist

TV South Land * I am a fan of the LAPD , Ghost Hunters, Cops, Smoking Gun Presents Worlds Dumbest, Survivor.

Music 80s music


Video Games Of course the Grand Theft Auto series , Call of Duty series, Or any game with gus and violence.


Snacks Chips, Burgers, Chicken , Meat , or any thing tasty

Drinks Soda , Water, Juice and Milk.

Grand Theft Auto Info

Favorite Vehicles : Banshee(GTA 3)Rhino(GTA VC)AT-400(GTA SA)Taxi(GTA LCS)VCPD Cruiser(GTA VCS)Police Stockade(GTA 4Slamvanand Tow Truck(GTA 4 : TLAD)Buzzard and APC(TBOGT)

Favorite Weapons :AK-47( GTA 3)Minigun(GTA VC)Minigun(GTA SA)Rocket Launcher(GTALCS)Minigun(VCS)CarbineRifle(GTA 4)Assault Shotgun and Sawn-Off Shotgun(GTA4:TLAD)Gold SMG(TBOGT)

Favorete Feature : Gang Warfare SA and TLAD

Favorite Grand Theft Auto game Grand Theft Auto IV

Least Favorite Grand Theft Auto Game GTA Liberty City Stories

Favorete Protagonist Niko Bellic

Least Favorite Protagonist Tony cipci

Most Wanted Feature to Return in Grand Theft Auto 5