Going Deep/Script

The following is a script of the mission Going Deep in The Ballad of Gay Tony.


Luis: Yo. Mr. Bulgarin here?

Bulgarin: Double it! Offer twenty million and then we see if it is not for sale. If this painting is not hanging on my wall, your head will be. Okay? Think about that.

Timur: You want I should pay visit to his children at their school?

Bulgarin: Not yet - I think there is always a price in this city. Ah, Luis, excuse us. We have been rude.

Luis: Don't worry about it, man. I like the set up here.

Timur: These guitars are all collector's items - celebrity rock memorabilia.

Luis: Okay, man. Good for you. You got a nice place here, Mr. B.

Bulgarin: It is piece of shit. I bought it for my sister.

Galina: Hey! You bring me to this fucking country and you keep me in an ugly cage. No one on TV lives in fucking Dukes. Then you come and move all my stuff into hallway and fill place with fucking guitars.

Bulgarin: Shut up, bitch. Take your pills. A friend of mine is here.

Galina: Ha! You don't have any friends. You don't even have a business here. You are nothing in this country.

Bulgarin: My sister, she is still getting adjusted. We all are.

Luis: So, how can I help you?

Galina: Fuck you, Ray. You have ruined my life!

Bulgarin: Yes! Yes! A difficult situation. It seems I am being investigated by the National Office of Security Enforcement. There is a particular unit that has a "hard-on" for me. And why? Because Marki Ashvilli won't sell me The Rampage. You will get rid of them. I will own this fucking team.

Luis: Hey, the problem ain't just gonna disappear over here if we kill some crooked cops.

Bulgarin: Leave the strategizing to me. If the money tells you to cut your fucking legs off, you will do it. Because the money is better than a fucking leg. The money is making the plans. That's the American way.

Luis: Alright, man.

Bulgarin: Thank you. I like you. I make you rich. I make you man. Maybe I'll make you man with one leg, but I make you rich man with one leg. There is this team tracing a car of mine. Take out the whole team. No exceptions.

Luis: Okay, man, if that's what the money wants...

Bulgarin: You bright guy, Luis. I still like you. You made a good choice coming here. Fag man no good. Go. Roll the bitch!


Bulgarin: Take us to the basement parking lot, in the Middle Park East.

Bulgarin: Here you will need these sticky bombs for the party.

Luis: I ain't gonna take you up on the bomb offer 'cause I got my own, but I will take that Advanced MG you got there.

Bulgarin: It's good to have you with us, Luis.

Luis: Yeah?

Bulgarin: Yes. It must be nice for you to get out from under Big Tony.

Luis: I don't know what you're implying, bro. Tony and me are partners. I got a stake in the enterprise.

Bulgarin: A stake. Sure. You still take orders from him, don't you? You clean up his shit? Luis, you could be much more than that. Unless you enjoy working for such a man? 'Partner', or whatever you call it.

Luis: Really, bro? I don't know. When I was left to my own devices, I got locked up. At least with Tony's guidance, I ain't doing time.

Bulgarin: Perhaps. For now... perhaps. But do you think you are achieving everything you could? A man with your talents, in your condition, you could have anything you want. I didn't get to where I am without being able to see the worth of men.

Luis: That's real flattering, Mr. Bulgarin, but whatever it is you're offering, I'm gonna have to decline. Me and Tony's is a business relationship. He gets his kicks elsewhere, but he's been a good boss to me, and a good guide. Helped me out.


Luis: Whatever you say, bro. But what are you talking about?

Bulgarin: I was saying that I may be interested in investing in your potential.

Luis: Potential as what?

Bulgarin: As a businessman. I am looking for someone here in Liberty City with the correct relationship.

Luis: I already got one employer. Like I said, he's been good to me.

Bulgarin: Of course. But what is he? He is a drug addict, a madman. You are useful to him, but you think that is all he wants from you? Hah! When some new muscle-bound pretty boy comes along, he will forget about you, and your precious stake in the Tony Prince empire.

Luis: Whatever, bro. Can we talk about something else? What am I doing here?

Bulgarin: You are helping me with my business.

Luis: This don't seem like legitimate business to me, man.

Bulgarin: Nothing can be achieved here in Liberty City with Ashvilli's pigs rooting through my affairs. For anything to happen, they must be eliminated.

Luis: Okay, man. You really can't buy these people off?

Bulgarin: Sometimes a price is more effective if paid out of lead, not gold. This is the first lesson I will give you.

Luis: Okay.

(Tony calls Luis)

Luis: Hey man, what's up?

Tony: What do you mean, "what's up"? Where are you?

Luis: Look, man I-I'm, taking care of some personal business. I'll come see you later, okay?

Tony: I'm cracking up here, Luis. Hurry the fuck up. How long are you going to be?

Luis: I dunno, man. I-I-I gotta go.

(Luis hangs up)

Bulgarin: Your master calls?

Luis: Yeah, man.

Bulgarin: I see. And does he know what you are here with us?

Luis: No.

Bulgarin: Interesting.

Luis: I guess so.

(Luis drives into the parking lot)

Bulgarin: Let's go in.

Bulgarin: Park up this spot by the pillar.

Bulgarin: Place a bomb out of sight. We will hide here.

Bulgarin: Things are about to get hot in here.

Luis: No doubt.

Luis: Timur, bro. You ain't talking much. Nervous?

Timur: Fuck you.

Bulgarin: This is them. Wait for it.

NOOSE: That's the car. Get in and plant the evidence.

Bulgarin: When they gather round the car, blow it.

NOOSE: Close in, people!

Bulgarin: Perfect. Blow them up!

NOOSE: Ambush! Ambush! Get in positions!

Bulgarin: Fuck you!

Bulgarin: You should not leave this tomb!

Bulgarin: Make these scumbags pay!

Luis: We doin' our best.

Bulgarin: Our Hispanic friend is really very useful.

Bulgarin: Eat mine.

Bulgarin: They've called more!

Bulgarin: Don't fuck with the money.

Luis: What's so fucking funny, man? I don't get you.

Bulgarin: Your successors will take my bribes.

Alternate dialogue

Bulgarin: I am glad we have this opportunity yo get to know each other, Luis.

Luis: Oh yeah?

Bulgarin: Yes. It is important that one knows those he employ intimately.

Luis: Shit, bro, just 'cause I got a gay boss, don't mean I'm gonna get intimate with you. And if I was, it would not be on our first date either.

Bulgarin: Very funny but, I don't think you realize the magnitude of your insults, so I will let them slide. I am not a man to be mocked.

Luis: Alright. Rewind a second. What you mean, "employ"? I'm already in business with Tony.

Bulgarin: And where has that got you? Apart from up a few models' skirt, I mean. The money I have can open those legs more readily than your bottle service can.

Luis: I tell you where it's got me, it's got me off the street. Before I met Tony, I was a no hoper. I'd probably be in for life by now. Tony's given me every opportunity I ever got.

Bulgarin: Until now?

Luis: Maybe.

Bulgarin: There is a point where you will not be able to gain anything from him, understand? Where you will outgrow him and he will begin to hold you back. Perhaps this time has already came.

Luis: I don't think so, bro. Not yet. Tony and I are partners. I'm gonna bring him with me wherever I got.

Bulgarin: How sweet you are. Pathetic. This is not possible, and I think you know it. What are your dreams, Luis? What do you want to be?

Luis: I don't wanna be no rock star like you guys seem to. That what you asking?

Bulgarin: No, it is not. I am informed that you used to have a reputation as a fighter.

Luis: I can handle myself. But you can only fight for so long until you run into the wrong guy, and then it ain't pretty.

Bulgarin: You don't want to go pro? With the money behind you, no one would dare to beat you.

Luis: Pro fighting's a joke, bro. May as well be a wrestler if you want to join the circus.

Bulgarin: I used to wrestle. I was in academy as a boy.

Luis: Timur, man, check this out. You diss my boss for being gay and yours went to wrestling school? Gimme a break, man.

Bulgarin: I do not understand the joke.

Timur Is not funny hoke. What is problem with wrestling academy.

Luis: Shit, look man. I don't wanna be no wrestler. This hospitality shit, this is my thing now. I know people and people know me. I can get things done in this town.

Bulgarin: That is why you are the person I need with me, but you must be loyal to me alone.

Luis: That's a bit of a problem, bro. I ain't fresh off the boat, this is my town. I don't come alone. Tony's my business partner, bro. I ain't just leaving when a better offer comes along.

Bulgarin: You say this now. We will see if your mind is changed.

Failing the mission