User:Gta-mysteries/Taxi Driver/Script

Calling Roman

Niko: Cousin, I'd like to help you out by taking a fare.

Niko: Hey cousin, have you got any fares that need picking up?

Niko: Hey Roman, how about I drive someone for you?

Niko: Hey Roman, you want me to drive anyone anywhere?

Niko: Roman, are there any fares going?

Niko: Roman, I'm doing by bit for Bellic Enterprises. Does anyone need to be picked up?

Niko: Roman, I want to take a fare for you.

Roman: Niko, you are a good cousin. I was hoping that you would start to help me.

Roman: Niko, you are doing Bellic Enterprises proud. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: Of course, Niko. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: Come collect a car from the depot.

Roman: You are an absolute star, Niko. Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman: I would only love you more if you had titties, Niko! Come get a cab from the depot.

Roman declining

Roman: Sorry, Niko. No one is looking for cabs at the moment. Call later.

Roman: This is tough luck, NB. No one is calling for cabs. I don't know what's wrong.

Roman: Cousin, I just sent out my last cab, I'm sorry. Maybe if you try later.

Roman: Hopefully things will have picked up later.

Roman: There aren't any fares at the moment, Niko. You should call back later.

Calling Roman (after canceling/failing)

Roman: You can collect a cab from the depot, but Niko, you should know that you messing these fares up is really bad for business.

Roman: Sure, you can come get a cab form the depot - if you promise to do this right?

Roman: Come get a cab from the depot, Niko. Please don't mess this up.

Roman: Sure, I've got a fare for you, but you need to get this one where they're going.

Niko already has a cab

Niko: I'm already in one of your cars, I'll go collect them now.

Niko: I have a car already. I'll go do it now.

Niko: Don't worry, Roman. I've already got a cab. I'll go straight there.

Niko: Don't you pay attention to who has your cars? I've already got one. I'll go right there.

Niko: Roman, come on, I have a car already. I will go straight to get them.


Roman: Alright, the fare called from Northern Gardens. Drop them over in Meadow Hills.

Roman: Okay, go over to Cerveza Heights to pick up the fare. You're driving them to Schottler.

Roman: The fare is in South Bohan. Bring them over to Meadow Hills station.

Roman: Go to Bohan Industrial to pick them up, cousin. Take them to East Island City.

Roman: You have to pick them up on Firefly Island. They're going to Boulevard.

Roman: They're over in Boulevard. Go pick them up. You're taking them to Bohan Industrial.

Roman: Pick them up from Beechwood City. Bring them to Fortside.

Roman: You need to pick them up in Outlook, next to the park. East Island City is where they're heading.

Roman: They're waiting here, in Hove Beach. Take them to Cerveza Heights.

Roman: The fare is over in Outlook. They need to get to Steinway.

Successful fare

Niko: They're safely dropped off, Roman.

Niko: Alright, man. I took care of that fare for you.

Niko: Cousin, they have been dropped off.

Niko: I got them where they wanted to go.

Niko: It's done, Roman.

Niko: The fare is taken care of, Roman.

Roman: Great, Niko. Thanks. If you want more fares just call.

Roman: You are truly a Bellic,thank you cousin. Speak soon.

Roman: Niko, you make my life so much easier. Thank you. Call me if you want more work.

Canceling the job

Niko: Cousin, I'm sorry about this but I can't do that job anymore.

Niko: Roman, man. I'm not going to be able to look after that fare. Sorry.

Niko: Hey Roman, something's come up. I'm not going to be able to help you out with the fare anymore.

Niko: Shit Roman, don't mean to let you down but I can't handle that fare for you. Hope that's cool?

Roman: No one's perfect. Call again if you're serious about driving a cab for me.

Roman: Okay, Niko. That's too bad. Call me soon if you want another try.

Roman: I guess this could not be helped. Call me if you want another fare.

Roman: This is not so good for Bellic Enterprises. Call again if you want to help the family company.

Text message

Cousin, my other drivers got jealous about you taking all the fares. I've nearly got a mutiny on my hands. You're going to have to earn your money with your firsts and not my cabs from now on. Let's hang out. - Rom