User:Gta-mysteries/Phone Calls 2

A script of all post-mission phone calls in Grand Theft Auto IV.

It's Your Call

Niko: Hey Roman, I got your text.

Roman: Great, Niko. I've got my hands full at the moment with these charming money lenders I know. Maybe you should come to the cab office and help me out?

Niko: I'll see you soon.

Easy Fare

Vlad: Yokel, fatty Roman's cousin, it's Vlad.

Niko: Vlad? Name doesn't ring any bells. I'm sorry.

Vlad: You better start remembering important people you dumb peasant. Your cousin owes me a lot of money. If you don't want to make things real difficult for him you're going to come to Comrades Bar on Mohawk. I have a work for you.

Concrete Jungle

to Jacob:

Niko: Jacob, hey, it's Niko, Roman's cousin.

Little Jacob: Yo Niko me boy, wha'gwan man? Hows tings going?

Niko: Alright man, getting used to a new place, you know. You need any work done?

Little Jacob: There's always something needs doing y'know. Just come to my place, man on Dillon Street. One love.

from Jacob:

Little Jacob: Yo Niko, wha'gwan?

Niko: Alright, you know, getting by.

Little Jacob: Yo, me need your help with something, y'know. Will you come to my place on Dillon Street.

Niko: Sure, I was looking to branch out a bit anyway. I'll see you soon.

Bull in a China Shop

Roman: Niko, how you doing? This is so much fun.

Niko: You know Roman, I haven't been having that much fun since I got here. Has been a lot like hard work.

Roman: Well, you should hang out with your cousin more often.

Niko: Maybe that is the problem.

Roman: Ha ha. I'm sitting here with Brucie. Well, we're sitting here and calling the cops and watching them show up and look around. The fucking stupid bastards.

Niko: You shouldn't cry wolf, Roman. Who knows when you will really need help.

Roman: Fuck, I think they see us. Have to go, Niko.

Uncle Vlad

Roman: Niko, Niko. Are you there cousin?

Niko: Roman, I'm here. What are you doing? Why do you whisper?

Roman: I am on Tulsa Street, near Perestroika. Come Niko, quick.

Crime and Punishment

Roman: Niko, hello.

Niko: Roman, are you alright?

Roman: I was just shot in the stomach and then stitched up in a doctor's office that was dirtier than the basement we were nearly tortured in. I'm great.

Niko: You sound calm, actually.

Roman (missing text...) If you're near a shop can you pick up some adult diapers for me? See you later, Niko.

Rigged to Blow

Roman: Niko, it's Roman. I was talking to Brucie...

Niko: That 'roid monkey?

Roman: He is a good friend of mine, he'll be a good friend of yours too if you let him. Anyway, he's got some work and we are in need of money. Meet him at Brucie's Executive Autos on Mohanet in East Hook. If Mallorie calls you, we are bowling together. See you later.

Roman's Sorrow


Brucie: Nicky, we got to talk serious.

Niko: Alright man. If you want my advice, the only way you're going to get your balls back to normal is if you stop juicing or you get implants.

Brucie: How many times I have to tell you homie, my balls are golden. Okay? I wanna talk about Roman. He's got a problem. He's gambling like an animal. Online, in clubs, everywhere. You need to control your cousin bro.

Niko: Roman's a grown up. He can look after himself, Brucie.

Brucie: He's getting involved with some serious cats, homie. Even people I might think twice about dealing with. And I am one dangerous motherfucker, okay? Put him in Gamblers Anonymous or something. I'm starting to think he's more interested in cards than chasing pussy. And that ain't cool. You dig?

Niko: Sure, Brucie. Thanks for the heads up.


Dimitri: Niko Bellic, we did not find your body with the others in the warehouse. Mr. Bulgarin and I were very disappointed.

Niko: I was loyal to you, Dimitri. Why did you turn on me?

Dimitri: You think I could survive in a cesspit of a city like this by aligning myself with a bottom feeder like you? You, who has so many enemies? You robbed Bulgarin, you killed Mikhail. You know no more of loyalty than I do.

Niko: You know why I killed Faustin. It was not my choice.

Dimitri: I will find you, Niko. I have burnt you and your cousin out of Hove Beach. I will smoke you out of any other hiding place you have in this city. See you soon, Niko.

Street Sweeper

Mallorie: Hey Niko, you tired of Manny yet?

Niko: I was tired of him as soon as I saw him.

Mallorie: I've got someone else who might have some work for you. Elizabeta Torres, she's got an apartment on San Quentin in Fortside. Meet me there.

Blow Your Cover


Roman: This is great news, Niko. I got the insurance money for the cab depot burning down. The stupid bastards thought it was an electrical fire, not arson.

Niko: Maybe it was an accident.

Roman: Ha, ha. Yeah right. I've put the money into another cab depot. Bellic Enterprises is up and running again. Next stop - floating on the BAWSAQ. I'll give you shares, NB. Later on.


Michelle: Hey, Niko. Mallorie tells me that you are working with Elizabeta Torres now.

Niko: Do you two know each other? Elizabeta seems to have a lot of friends.

Michelle: That's because she's a dealer, Niko. Junkies like the people who supply them with drugs. You aren't getting involved in that world, are you?

Niko: I'm trying to avoid it, Michelle. Maybe I do a few errands for Elizabeta. Nothing serious though. I am no dealer.

Michelle: If you need help with anything, Niko. Just speak to me. If you want to get something off your chest... I'm a good listener, you know?

Niko: I know Michelle, I really appreciate your concern but I can look after myself. I'm a big boy and I must make my own decisions. See you soon.

Michelle: Yeah, Niko. See you soon.

Little Jacob

U.L. Paper

Wanted level

U.L. Paper: I thought I told you to lay low? To keep your head down?

Niko: Hey, sometimes I just can't help myself.

U.L. Paper: Is your johnson so big you can't keep it in your pants, Bellic? I told you to be calm.

Niko: I'm sorry, I'm excitable.

U.L. Paper: I been taking a lot of heat for you, Niko. Start doing me some favors.

Niko: I'll start doing that when you start doing me some.


Dwayne: Hey man, did you just call me?

Niko: No, man. Must have been someone else.

Dwayne: Yeah, yeah, must have been. I was in the shower and I heard the phone ringing so I thought you mighta called or something. My bad. Later.

Mallorie: Niko. The shit went down with those guys in Bohan. Elizabeta's doing a bid. I think she might have killed Manny.

Niko: Really?

Mallorie: Good thing you haven't been hanging around with them too much. That shit is fucked up. I'm sorry for getting you involved.

Niko: Don't worry about it. You've got enough on your plate looking after Roman. See you soon.


Brucie: Yo Nicky, what's up homie? Our boy, Stevie, hit me up. The one who hooked us up with the sweet ride.

Niko: He don't want you to give it back to him, does he?

Brucie: Shit, no, that's cool. I was just telling him how you know, you can make things happen. He's going to be in touch with you about some cars he needs found. If you catch my meaning?

Niko: Sure, I have an ability to find stuff if the price is right. Give him my number.

Brucie: Fuck man, you are the boy. I'll call Stevie.