
Revision as of 13:35, 30 July 2006 by Gboyers (talk | contribs)

Every single game in the entire Grand Theft Auto series is Three-Dimensional (3D). This means that 3D models are used, and the camera/view moves around them; as opposed to Two Dimensional (2D) which involves only animated pictures.

Many people believe that GTA1, GTA2 and GTA Advance are 2D, but this is not the case. The top-down perspective looks to be 2D, and many aspects of the game are (including the vehicles and pedestrians). However you can clearly see the sides of the buildings when you go around them, which are drawn on-the-fly from 3D models.

Despite all the games being 3D, the games in the Grand Theft Auto III era are referred to as the 3D GTA games.