Anywhere City

Anywhere City is the name of the city featured in Grand Theft Auto 2. It is presumably called this, as it is set in the near future, and doesn't bear any resemblence to any real life city in particular. It is divided into 3 separated parts - Commercial, Residential and Industrial.

Commercial is first part of town we find ourselves in. The game begins here and we can start taking missions from the phones. In this district we can work for Yakuza, Loonies, or Zaibatsu. Maximum wanted level is 4.

Residential district is the second. It's full of blocks of flats, and includes a village and an RV park. Here we can work for Scientists, Rednecks, or Zaibatsu. Maximum wanted level is 5.

'Industrial. It's full of factories, but there is also a lot of blocks of flats, and even a small village. Here we can work for Krischna, Russians, and again Zaibatsu. Now we can reach the maximum, sixth wanted level.

It is possible it is (in some form) of Liberty City (GTA3 and onwards), as Anywhere City and Liberty City (GTA3 and onwards) were both split up into an Industrial (Portland), Commercial (Staunton Island), and Residential (Shoreside Vale) districts.