Community:Project/Community Multiplayer Event

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It's always nice for the community to get together so I came up with an idea for the community to participate in a series of GTA IV multiplayer matches.

Signing up is simple - below are three sections to sign up in. One for the Xbox 360, one for the PS3, and one for the PC and there will be someone to moderate each system.

Just log in, hit Edit, and use ~~~~ to sign your name in the relevant section. You can add other information such as your timezone, and we'll try to accommodate matches that suit you!


  • Gamemodes should be chosen by the three (or five if preferred) most requested through a vote or another method.
  • Weapons will be set to all.
  • Cops will be turned off.
  • Friendly fire will be turned off.
  • If team deathmatch is chosen the max amount of members on one team will be four (if the lobby is filled).
  • If you cannot attend than please let the the chosen moderator known.
  • No Mods allowed. No Exceptions.


Xbox 360

Gtajesus (talk|edits) 23:51, 24 September 2012 (UTC)



Thank you for participating!Gtajesus (talk|edits) 23:21, 24 September 2012 (UTC)