Making a GTA Quiz

Forums GTA Making a GTA Quiz

I am giving a daily quiz. The person who gets the most points will be put on the leader board.

Here is how points work.

Each question has a number of points based on how hard it is. Easy:5 Medium:10 Hard:15 Impossible:20

Bonus Points (Only applies if answer is right):

First person to answer the question gets an extra 5 points,and the rest 0 points. Remember, you can get extra points if someone else already answered!

This question can only be answer this week.


86Vercetti 50 points

PackieVercetti 45 points

CJ 40 points

BloodyGTA 15 points

Biggest gta fan ever 15 points

Last Question's Answer:

The Babylon Gang in GTA 1 is really what?

American government

Congradulations to our top 3 contestants!

Send me a message if you would like to take part in the GTA Quiz Best Champion Contest

This is only available to our top 3 contestants.

2/3 contestants have accepted. 1/3 contestants have not answered. 0/3 contestants have rejected.

GTA Quiz Championship Practice

The rules are that you must send me a message with your answer to the question below.

The results will be shown here.

This is a practise test. Rememeber this does not count toward the actual event.

The Question:

What happens when Tommy Vercetti goes to far in the water?

CJ: He drowns, simple as that. Although he doesn't have to go far, he can have his head above the water and the player's health can still go down, the easiest way to get this glitch is at the boatyard.

Ooh bonus info too xD CJ 19:30, 26 June 2009 (UTC)

PackieVecetti: He drowns and wakes up at the hospital with his guns gone. User:PackieVercetti 03:56, 26 June 2009 (UTC)