Myths in GTA IV

There are many myths regarding Grand Theft Auto IV. Only a couple of these really exist. While some were denied by developer Rockstar Games, the rest can not be proved or disproved. Most of these myths are either misconceptions or made up.

Sprunk Factory Ghost

There is said to be a Ghost(s) in the old Sprunk Factory across from Honkers in Alderney it was used in one mission to Kill Charlie the Clown. When a shot is fired in the factory a voice can be heard telling you to leave. In fact, this is a bodyguard from Honkers Strip Club, which is nearby. (see videos below for prof that this may be true i trust him)

Bloody bedroom

This is not "exactly" a myth. However, on an apartment in liberty city, there is an open door. The bedroom has a massive amount of blood. so it can just be a misc. scenery. this myth(more of a easter egg)is in fact true


  • spunk factory ghost(s)

  • bloody room (go to 5:02 if you do not wish to wait)*