The Pilgrim's Pantry

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The Pilgrim's Pantry is a fictional restaurant advertised in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories via radio. It's theme is based loosely on the pilgrim's arival to America from Europe, and their relationship with the Native Americans that lived on the island. The restaurant also hosts dangerous activites for familes, ranging from a Native American teaching them how to catch a wild turkey, the murder of said Native American, the "Witch Drown 'n' Burn", and stoning heathens who get answers wrong in Bible-themed trivia quizzes. The restaurant is open every day, except for Sunday, when they say "no one should be happy, and we should all hate ourselves".

A review of this can be found in the Liberty Tree instruction manual that came with Liberty City Stories.

Taglines in the Ads

  • (Trumpet blaring) THE PILGRIM'S PANTRY!
  • They fled Britain because it was too liberial, now they've come to the new world!
  • The Pilgrim's pantry, where good friends, good values, and hunger are history.