User:Paperworktemple/to do

  1. Safehouses in GTA San Andreas - All safehouse articles needs category cleanup. (DONE!)
  2. Las Venturas - Needs info on districts. (DONE!) (Thank you ScotlandTheBest for the additional work!)
  3. Marina - Needs more information. (DONE!)
  4. Commerce - Same as Marina. (DONE!)
  5. Fallen Tree - Needs cleanup. (DONE!)
  6. Hampton Barns - Will create it as soon as possible. (DONE!)
  7. Valet missions - Will create it as soon as possible (I did not create it, but I expanded it, so this is considered done.) (Thank you once again to ScotlandTheBest!)
  8. Quarry missions - Will create it as soon as possible
  9. Frank Tenpenny - Needs cleanup
  10. Missions in GTA Liberty City Stories - Will try to create walkthrough for each mission.
  11. Sandbox - Will create a Sandbox for Exports and Imports
  12. New Pages Proposed - Shopping Mall/Belleville Mall, Kevin Clone, Live Nude Girls Girls Girls