Richie Score

Richie Score is a journalist for the Liberty Tree in Grand Theft Auto IV. He writes many articles for the Liberty Tree's website

Online articles

No More Dead Trees For Liberty Tree?

The future of online news

The Liberty Tree goes 2.0 with a whole new business plan. In light of the recent report by the National Library Center that the net generation does not read books or newspapers unless they are online, the publishers of the Liberty Tree are planning to cease the newsprint version of the paper by 2010. Readers will still be able to read their news stories online via wireless mobile devices and high-speed internet connections and blog and call each other names and be assholes on message boards. "This really is the future. It's 2.0. It's interactive. Paper books and newsprint will be phased out by the end of the decade. Ebooks and web news are the future. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to a webinar," said associate publisher, Louis Fertinatta, on his new blog, which he started because some 22-year-old prick in marketing told him it was essential to the future, man.

Roman Ruin For Head of Federal Reserve System

Wolfe left sheepish

The Internet is a terrifying place. Every click of the mouse leaves you wide open to online predators, sickening porn, identity theft or any number of other fraudulent schemes designed to bleed you dry and leave you penniless on the streets, turning tricks for scraps of food and swigs of ethanol. If you think that the Internet risk isn't real, it is time for you to think again. Darius Wolfe, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, has admitted that he was duped into paying $20,000 to a con artist. The 'Roman Empire Wealth System' pyramid scheme, located at promised millions of dollars to investors if they could sign up enough people below them and then move up to the Senator or Emperor levels.

Wolfe told us, "It's like the dotcom bubble in the 1990s - you feel high as a kite making money for doing nothing and throw around big words that mean nothing at business luncheons in the hope that nobody will see you are an empty shallow twit," Wolfe said. Wolfe, who has a PhD in economics, says that he has learnt his lesson and will stick to telling other people how to throw their life savings down the drain from now on.