A Revenger's Tragedy

Revision as of 17:44, 13 October 2008 by Videodude1298 (talk | contribs)

This mission is triggered after Mr and Mrs Bellic. It is the final mission in the "Deal" ending of the storyline. It's triggered by a call from Little Jacob.

Little Jacob is waiting in a car in Alderney. Niko enters as the driver. He chases Dimitri's goons to an abandoned casino, where he kills a group of goons on the outside. Then he kills a few goons that are guarding inside. Niko find Dimitri deep inside the casino. He chases Dimitri up a staircase out of the building. Niko kills a few goons that are at the roof. Dimitri gets into a helicopter driven by one of the surviving goons. Niko runs and grabs onto Dimitri's helicopter but he is stomped off by one of his goons. He gets into a boat nearby and drives after the helicopter Niko gets picked up by Little Jacob, who is in an Annihilator helicopter, in the air. Niko flies after Dimitri's helicopter. Dimitri gets a rocket launcher shot in Niko's helicopter. Little Jacob gets a rocket launcher shot in Dimitri's helicopter. Niko and Dimitri both crash on Happiness Island, and Niko kills the last set of goons. He kills Dimitri under the statue in cold blood. Niko and Little Jacob are excited about the freedom they now got. "Pruit Igoe," a song from the radio, starts playing as the view goes up onto the Statue of Happiness. Credits roll. (X360 Achievement - You Won 60GS)