Marnie Allen Random Encounter 1/Script

The following is a script of the first encounter with Marnie Allen in Grand Theft Auto IV.


Marnie: Hey, mister.

Niko: Yes?

Marnie: Hey, mister... you got... got some junk?

Niko: No.

Marnie: Shit. I'm... I'm really starting to jones pretty bad.

Niko: How old are you?

Marnie: Old enough...

Niko: No! I didn't mean like that.

Marnie: Hah!

Niko: Ain't you got a home or something?

Marnie: Ain't you got a life, or do you have to always interfere in other people's?

Niko: I'm sorry. See you later.

Marnie: Hey mister, come back here! I'll fuck you for five bucks.

Niko: No! What's wrong with you?

Marnie: I need junk... I need money...

Niko: You shouldn't be fucking strange men for money. I'll give you some money.

Marnie: I need junk... more than money... I know a place where we can get some. Will you take me there, mister, please?

Niko: Come on, then.


Marnie: He's over on Koresh Square in Alderney City.

Niko: Why don't you ease up on this stuff? Go to a center, get yourself clean. You don't want a substance controlling your life.

Marnie: What the fuck? People just try to tell me what to do. Go to school, read this, practice that, suck these. I hate everyone. Just, just leave me the fuck alone.

Niko: Leave you alone so you can sell your ass for some junk?

Marnie: Yeah, well, I'm happy where I am. I was, at least. When my habit was five bags a day, I could survive off panhandling.

Niko: If you can't get the money together, then maybe you should cut back on your habit.

Marnie: I can get the money together, it just takes a little improvisation. Like finding you in the park, I knew you'd help me.

Niko: How's that?

Marnie: I dunno, something in your eyes. You look like you've got a good heart.

Niko: I don't know about that.

Marnie: You do, most guys would have fucked me and left me by the side of the road already. You're nice. What's your name?

Niko: Niko Bellic.

Marnie: Nice to meet you, Niko. I'm Marnie. Man, I'm jonesing hard. It's been too long. Fuck.

Niko: This shit is in control of you. Think about going to a clinic.

Marnie: Turn into some methadone zombie? I don't think so. I quit, I do it cold turkey and by myself. Not that I wanna quit. I'm having too much fun.

Niko: You seem to be having a great time.