Uncalculated Risk/Script

The following are dialog and mission scripts for "Uncalculated Risk", a mission in Grand Theft Auto V.


(Franklin arrives at the Land Act Dam and sees the mysterious dog who brought him to Dom)

Dog: Woof!

Franklin Clinton: Hey, what's up, my nigga? Good to see you, dog.

Dog: Woof.

Franklin Clinton: That asshole is about to kill himself? Which asshole?

Dog: Woof.

Franklin Clinton: Oh, that perfect investor guy? Shit... whatever!

Dog: Woof.

Franklin Clinton: You're obligated to tell me?

Dog: Woof! Woof!

Franklin Clinton: You really don't give a shit? But you're just made this way?

Dog: Woof! Woof!

Franklin Clinton: He's this way? But you're off to get cast in a movie role more suitable to your talents? Oh, shit. Alright, dog. I'll holla at you, my nig.

Dog: Woof.

(Franklin goes to Dom who is on the edge of the dam looking down at the Los Santos River)

Dom Beasley: Invincible.

Franklin Clinton: Man, what the hell is he doin'?

(Franklin approaches Dom)

Franklin Clinton: Hey, Dom! What the hell you about to do, man?

Dom Beasley: Nothin'! It's perfectly safe!

Franklin Clinton: Like last time, huh?

Dom Beasley: Yeah! If I don't hit your vagina on the way down...

Franklin Clinton: Hey, man. I ain't too sure about this one... Man that motherfucking dog was the real deal.

Dom Beasley: What dog?

Franklin Clinton: I don't know how to explain it, man.

Dom Beasley: Well... it's your call...

(Dom jumps from the dam and, upon hitting the river bed, is instantly killed

Franklin Clinton: You dumb idiot.

(If Franklin goes to view Dom's corpse)

Franklin Clinton: Damn. Evolution in action... That crazy-ass fucking fool.