The Pick-Up

Revision as of 19:57, 23 June 2010 by gtw>Agtax
The Pick-Up
Claude reading the letter left by Toni.
Claude reading the letter left by Toni.

Claude reading the letter left by Toni.
For Toni Cipriani
Target Defeat the Triads and give back the money to Toni Cipriani
Location Saint Mark's, Portland Island, Liberty City
Reward $10,000
Unlocks Salvatore's Called A Meeting
Unlocked by Taking Out the Laundry

The Pick-Up is a mission in Grand Theft Auto III given to protagonist Claude by Toni Cipriani from his mothers restaurant in Saint Mark's, Portland Island, Liberty City.


Claude goes to Momma's Restaurante and reads a note left by Toni, with Toni requesting that Claude pick up the protection money from Mr. Wong's Laundromat. Toni says that the money is in a briefcase being the laundromat in Chinatown, but warns that the Triads may attack. Claude drives to the alley behind the laundromat and collects the briefcase, before the Triads ambush him, with Claude managing to kill all the Triads and escape back to Momma's Restaurante with the money.


Ma Cipriani: Toni's off making people bleed, or trying to. He'll never be as tough as his Pop, but he left you a note on the table.

Toni Cipriani (voice only): The laundry has agreed to pay - you did real good kid! Go collect the cash and bring it back here. Watch out for the Triads. They may be shoving a firecracker up your ass, but don't take no crap. Nobody I mean nobody, messes with TONI CIPRIANI!


The reward for completing the mission is $10,000. Completing the mission unlocks the Salvatore's Called A Meeting mission. The Triads are now hostile towards Claude if the player haven't completed El Burro's mission Trial By Fire.


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