Blow Your Cover

Revision as of 22:49, 4 February 2009 by Black Artist (talk | contribs)
Blow Your Cover
For Elizabeta Torres
Location South Bohan, Bohan
Reward nothing
Unlocks [Deconstruction for Beginners]]

This is the second mission given to you by Elizabeta. This is also the first time you meet Playboy X. She asks Niko to go with Playboy X and Johnny to watch over a drug deal. Skip the cutscene. A helicopter would be really useful because it's a long ride, but take any vehicle that can fit Playboy and drive him to the building in Broker.

Follow Playboy X up to the third floor and walk up to Johnny. A cutscene will follow. You should watch it - good stuff! Johnny, Playboy X and Niko go into a room where two undercover LCPD officers are. One of them is dumb and asks over and over again, "Are you carrying the stuff?" Then suddenly, Johnny and the two undercover LCPD officers surround Niko and Playboy with guns. Johnny is too scared to shoot them and runs down.

Shoot the officers on the remaining floor and go back to the stairs. Behind it are two NOOSE officers, end them. Keep going up the stairs with Playboy following you and shoot every NOOSE officer standing. When you get to the roof, kill the remaining NOOSE men. Two of them walk up the fire escape. Shoot them down the stairs; they came to the party late.

Follow Playboy down the fire escape and kill the remaining goons. Use a nearby door to go down to street level. When you're down there, lose your wanted level and drive X to his house in Algonquin (Algonquin is unlocked once you get to street level with Playboy). Some time afterwards, Roman will call Niko and tell him that his insurance has paid off, meaning Niko can use Roman's cab service again.

During this mission the terrorist threat separating both sides of the Humboldt River is lifted. Thus, Niko is now able to travel to Algonquin via the Broker Bridge, Algonquin Bridge, East Borough Bridge or the Northwood Heights Bridge. The terrorist threat separating Algonquin and Alderney remains in place however, this threat is lifted upon completion of Three Leaf Clover.