Dangerous Bastard

Love Fist, the Scottish hair metal band that created the song.

Dangerous Bastard is a song created by Scottish hair metal band Love Fist. This song appears in the Love Fist album Fat Chicks All Day All Night, which is also Love Fist's second album, behind Dogs on Heat. The song is first on the album's listing.

This song is featured in Grand Theft Auto Vice City on the radio station V-Rock, along with another Love Fist song, Fist Fury.


Yeah I'm a dangerous bastard;
And I'm bullet-proof.
I tell ya liiiiife is a lesson look;
Sometimes I get flu...

A devil looks into my eye,
And he makes my voice go ahhhhh!!
Is there nothing in his eye,
God I need to know...

Is it true, you like my curls?
Do you think we look like girls?
Would it cause a sexual block;
If you saw, our, great, big socks!

I keep drivin' faster!
Going through the roof.
I wanna ruuuuun a delicatessen love;
That don't make me a proof...

Action, camera, lipstic lights;
I fit in mercede's tights.
No-one knows i play guitar,
Wearing her red bra.

Is it true you like my curls?
Do you think we look like girls?
Would it cause a sexual block;
If you saw, our, great, big socks!