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The following is a script of the mission "Shadow" in Grand Theft Auto IV.


Real Badman: Hey boy, don't move, don't move.

Niko: Hey! Ah!

Badman: Me say don't move boy. Who are you?

Niko: What the fuck, are you kidding me?

Badman: Where ya come from? Who are you?

Niko: Hey, man, I'm here to see Jacob. It's Niko.

Badman: Niko?

Little Jacob: Badman, what gwa'an down there so?

Badman: Some boy down here, sir, beat up the door. Some boy dere, sir, call himself Niko, say he wan' see ya, rude boy.

Little Jacob: Niko? Ah me boy that, Badman. Yo, free up the boy, man. Yo.

Badman: Your boy dat?

Little Jacob: Yeah.

Badman: Cho! Come, my youth.

Little Jacob: Me boy dat, yo.

Badman: Come upstairs to talk wit' Mr. Jacob and ting, man.

Little Jacob: Ah him de one work wit' Roman, de one dat control the taxi...

Badman: Ya know, when ya have people dat knock upon people door an' ting, ya have fe careful an' ting.

Niko: No, it's ok.

Badman: Yah man. See what me tell?

Niko: Don't worry about it.

Badman: Ya have to watch out dere, ya know.

Badman: Some boy dere, sir, call himself Niko, say he wan' see ya, rude boy.

Little Jacob: Wha' happen, Niko? Ya alright?

Niko: Hey, no problem. As good an introduction as any other.

Little Jacob: Yeah, me hear that, ya know? Anyway... some boy around ya boy Badman, ya know. Him want ask ya a favor. Gwa'an, nuh?

Badman: Hey, my youth. Some boy dem, dey pon de corner an' ting, an... de boy dem sell some tings and ting, an... I gwa'an, an' I say... oh, dem nah wan' gimme my money an ting. An'... every corner my corner an... I want my money an' ting, ya know? Ah no see dat! Go, go, ya know, me wan' deal with de case proper. Ya nah see it?

Little Jacob: Alright, let me explain. Is a business ting a gwa'an down dere.

Niko: Right.

Little Jacob: Dey ah sellin' weed where dey not suppose to sell weed, an' dey nah cutting him in.

Niko: Okay.

Little Jacob: So wan' ya go down dere and deal wit dem. Seen?

Niko: Right. It's not gonna be cheap. Where do I find them?

Badman: Cheap? Cheap, my youth? Ya worry bout cheap? We nah worry bout cheap, ya know! De boy dem dere pon de corner! Me say de boi dem a got tings, and uh, on my corner dey a done ting and... Is a heavy corner on my corner, tell ya me now right after de boy! Dem a gwa'an an say "Oh! Dem nah wan' gimme my money." Oh! Say fe gwa'an wit' dat!

Little Jacob: Alright, hear me now. What Badman is saying is... de boy dem a some novice, seen? Ya find dem when ya go pon de corner of Alpha and South Bohan. Seen? When ya go down dere so, yuh see an... tsk! An' just deal wit' dem, seen? Ah go find and turn in work, alright?

Niko: Alright.

Little Jacob: Alright. Ya want some of dat spliff here?

Niko: No thanks.

Little Jacob: Ya sure?

Niko: I'm sure.

Little Jacob: Alright. Respect.

Badman: My youth. Pass me some of dat ting ya have over dereso.

Little Jacob: Alright, here hold that, king.


(Niko spots the dealer selling to someone)

Dealer: That's some good shit. You done cleaned me out. Yo! I'm all out of product. Dropping in to pick some up. Be ready.

(Niko follows the dealer)

Roman: Niko, it's your cousin. You want to shoot some pool?

Niko: This isn't a good time, Roman. I got another type of shooting on my mind.

(If Niko is close to the dealer when Roman calls)

Niko: Shit Roman, I can't talk now. Damn.

(Niko follows the dealer into his apartment)

Dealer 2: Who this cracker? You let him follow you back here?

Dealer: I didn't see nobody. Get rid of this fool.

(If Niko shoots the door open)

Niko: I have some Jamaican friends who are real angry with you.

Niko: Why're you running away from me? I just want to talk.

Niko: You shouldn't deal drugs to kids, man.

(If Niko fires a weapon)

Dealer: Hell no. Stay away, junkie. I'm all out of product.

Dealer: Shit. Don't cap an innocent brother.

Niko: That corner belongs to Badman.

(If Niko gets too close to the dealer)

Dealer: Don't get so close to a brother.

Dealer: Yo! Back off me, bitch.

(The dealer begins to run away from Niko)

Niko: Okay then, I'll chase you.

Niko: Okay, well it's a good thing I didn't have none of that spiff.

Niko: Fuck... here we go.

(Niko chases after the dealer)

Dealer: All type a shit about to happen to you.

Dealer: Fuck off, bitch.

Dealer: Get off a brother's back.

Dealer: Turn around and leave, you hear?

Dealer: I got friends, bitch.

Dealer: I know some cats you don't wanna fuck with.

Dealer: I just trying to put food in my baby's mouth.

Dealer: Yo! Be cool, lieutenant.

Dealer: Yo. You don't wanna be messin' with my boys.

Dealer: Stay off of me.

Dealer: Step off me, punk.

Dealer: The pain train's gonna get you, bitch.

Dealer: This fight ain't gonna go your way.

Dealer: You gonna get the hell beat outta you, boy.

Dealer: You gonna get punished, son.

(The dealer knocks over boxes to hinder Niko)

Dealer: Should have just recycled this shit.

Dealer: Have these.

Niko: You're going to need more than that to protect yourself.

Niko: You think that will stop me.

Niko: You're just making me angry.

(While running away, the dealer gets hit by a car)

Dealer: Hell no.

Dealer: Motherfuck.

(The dealer runs into an apartment block and knocks over a woman on the stairs)

Dealer: Wrong place, wrong time.

Dealer: Bounce, bitch.

Niko: Sorry, babe.

Niko: Touch luck, lady.

Niko: You didn't have to do that, shit head.

(The dealer meets with his friends in an apartment)'

Dealer: You best not be coming in here. We packing.

(Niko shoots the lock on the door)

Other Dealer: Shit, he's coming in. You done got us killed.

Niko: Let's have some fun.

Niko: Scumbags.

Niko: You better play nice.

Post mission phone calls

Niko: Tell Badman I got rid of the competition.

Little Jacob: Righteous. De corner belong to I again. Ain't nobody goin' to fuck with I's corner no more, no tings. One love, Niko.

Little Jacob: Alright me man, Niko. How's it going?

Niko: Okay, you and Badman got any more work you need help with?

Little Jacob: It's a funny thing that you should mention that to me, brother. Badman is right impressed with what you doing for I an' I. He want to know if you want deliver some package around town to some various people and ting inna the city. Plenty o' corn in that for you, you know.

Niko: That sounds good.

Little Jacob: Wicked, man. Give I a call when you ready for this first run. There be a lot of work so call whenever, you know. One love, bredren.

Failing the mission

Dealer is killed

Niko: I took the dealer down. With these injuries, he won't be shifting no weight anytime soon.

Little Jacob: One? It be a whole operation, dere be a lot of dem pon da street, killing one ain't nuttin man. Wha'gwan? Come check I soon Niko.

Dealer escapes

Niko: I lost him.

Little Jacob: Ya lose him? How da blood clat ya can lose him? Pon da corner? How ya can lose him pon da corner? Badman ah get vex! Yo, come ah the apartment man. Yo, lose him pon da corner? Cha!

Unused dialogue

(Dialogue which isn't heard in-game)

Dealer: Bam!

Dealer: For sure you are.

Niko: I can keep running all day.

Niko: I only found one dealer. He's dead.

Niko: I'm in the middle of something, Roman. I might be shooting something, but it won't be pool.

Dealer: Outta my way.

Niko: Some friends of mine are pissed off with you, now you got me angry.

Dealer: Take care of this boy on my back.

Niko: That corner belongs to Little Jacob and Badman. You should know that.

Buyer: That's a good price. I'm coming back to see you.

Dealer: Thought you could handle it?

Dealer 2: What you doin' leadin' people up to this shit? You fuckin' stupid?

Dealer 2: What you doing coming back here when you got heat on your back?

Niko: You deal on someone else's turf, you going to pay for it.

Dealer 2: You don't got us killed.