
Pre mission phone calls

Derrick killed


Patrick: Niko, I don't know if you've heard it but my brother, Derrick's dead.

Niko: No shit.

Patrick: Yeah. I just hope he was smacked out of his brain when it happened because it wouldn't have suited him to be jonesing when he died.

Niko: There isn't any good way to go though, is there?

Patrick: I guess not, Gerald got arrested too. They got him in the Alderney State Correctional Facility.

Niko: They took Gerry down?

Patrick: Don't worry, he's always being hauled in but the charges don't stick. Come to Derrick's funeral. It'd mean a lot to the family. It's today at the Church in Suffolk.

Niko: I'll stop by, man. I'll see you there.

Patrick: Remember to wear a suit, Niko. We can't have you dressed like a bum in the church.


Kate: Hi Niko.

Niko: Hey Kate, I am sorry to hear about your brother.

Kate: Yeah. I didn't really know Derrick that well. I remember looking up to him as a kid. He had a dream back then, he was inspired. The Derrick that came back to Liberty City was broken. He probably wanted to die.

Niko: Yeah, it still has to be hard for you.

Kate: It's hard for my ma. I'm trying to be there for her. Are you going to be at the funeral?

Niko: Sure, I'll see you there, Kate. Goodbye.

Francis killed


Derrick's funeral

Francis' funeral


Derrick's funeral

Francis' funeral

Failing the mission