What Do you hate the most about Grand Theft Auto IV

What do you hate the most about GTA IV and Why?

  • a: The Failed Atemped at Realism
  • b: Lack of Helicopters and no Planes
  • c: The Coquette being based off a Corvette and not comming in yellow
  • d: Barly any Weapons, just a knife, a bat and normal guns
  • e: The Friend System
  • f: Not Many Vehicles
  • g: No Car Customization
  • h: Liberty City Again
  • i: No Countryside
  • j: Dark Graphics
  • k: No Tanks


B: I used to love flying in the hunter and the AT-400, but gta 4 replaced the hunter with the Annilator and the AT-400 with a non-obtainable Boeing 747

Forums GTA What Do you hate the most about Grand Theft Auto IV

I'm just going to give counter reasons for your complaints;

  • a: The Realism What was so bad about that? it was realistic making it more fun and believeable. This was a benefactor
  • b: Lack of Helicopters and no Planes well, nobody uses planes in real life NY because its a waste of money. true I would have lied more helicopters
  • c: The Coquette being based off a Corvette and not comming in yellow I don't like yellow corvettes, but if you do, than this is ligit
  • d: Barly any Weapons, just a knife, a bat and normal guns Well, all the melee weapons in SA were spin off of the bat and knife ie they fill the same criteria. attacking people with dildos was retarded too. I agree, not enough ranged weapons
  • e: The Friend System true, I would hav perfered an awesome array of side missions
  • f: Not Many Vehicles there were heaps of vehicles, stop complaining
  • g: No Car Customization NY is not really a big scene for street racing, thats mainly an LA sort of thing
  • h: Liberty City Again Well, this is the first time Liberty has been done really. In GTA3, they were trying to get the sandbox right and such, the programming was so hard that they didn't have time to worry about setting. LCS had the same problems
  • i: No Countryside its based on NY, NY has no countryside, its pretty obvious
  • j: Dark Graphics turn the lighting up
  • k: No Tanks It would have been nice, but only as a secret or easter egg though.Delo19xcrowbarx 07:19, July 29, 2010 (UTC)