Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

Revision as of 07:45, 15 February 2009 by gtw>Hbriz

Go to the second safehouse and to find Packie and a gagged Gracie Ancelotti. This time there is no horde of angry family in pursuit. The only extra fail condition is to kill anyone in the car. The destination is at Charge Island, the small and unimportant island between Algonquin and Broker. Now things get tricky. The diamonds from Ray's Taking in the Trash are supposed to be exchanged for Gracie but Rodislav Bulgarin crops up and tries to steal the diamonds himself. He brings a small army with him. Use cover and pick his men off one by one. There are about 50 of them. This mission is considerably easier with either assault rifle or the SMG. Keep either one and in lock-on mode when walking. Packie will help too but don't rely on him. If a Rocket Launcher is availible, it may be worth considering but use it sparingly and only for tight groups of enemies or vehicles. Grenades are worth their weight in gold against enemies who are blind firing. After the last thug drops, more open fire from the catwalk above. Once they are delt with Niko will encounter one more holding the diamonds. Unfortunatly he drops them into a passing dump truck so no one can have them. Packie kills the man. Bulgarin sends in a few more goons but nothing serious. To wrap up the mission, drive Packie back to his house. After this mission is completed and 3 game days have passed, Gracie Ancelotti is added as a random character and sadly she doesn't have any kind of memory loss...

After this mission, the various news sources on the game tell of homeless Vietnam veteran Jerry Kapowitz finding the diamonds dumped with rubbish.