There are many myths regarding Grand Theft Auto IV. Only a couple of these really exist. While some were denied by developer Rockstar Games, the rest can not be proved or disproved. Most of these myths are either misconceptions or made up.

Sprunk Factory "Ghost"

There is said to be a Ghost(s) in the old Sprunk Factory across from Honkers in Alderney, which was featured in one mission to Kill Charlie the Clown. When a shot is fired in the factory a voice can be heard telling the player to leave. In fact, this is a bodyguard from Honkers Strip Club, which is nearby.

A man with a gun will eventually burst through the door if you shoot to many times. His shirt says "security"

It is thought that you can only enter through the underground hole but in fact, there is a rusty white door on the side of the building.

The Heart of Liberty City

There is a beating heart inside the Statue of Happiness, which many players believe to be a myth.

  • Not a myth! Has been Confirmed by me personally and by many others.

only accessible by landing a Helicopter at the base of the statues feet, and walking through a seemingly solid door that has two plaques saying"no hidden content this way". this is GTA IV's version of the Gant Bridge Sign.

Bloody Bedroom

This is not "exactly" a myth. However, in an apartment in Liberty City, there is an open door. The bedroom has a massive amount of blood, making it more likely a piece of miscellaneous interior detail.


The Ratman is believed to be some kind of creature that can be seen in the subways of Liberty City. There are several variations to the fabled "Ratman". Some say he, or it, has sharp claws and teeth, and frightening red eyes, and an incredible running speed, as well as the ability to kill the player instantly. Others say the Ratman is merely a hobo with a unique set of dialogue. There is no proof regarding either.

Sunken Ship With Ghosts

There are plenty of sunken ships surrounding Liberty City and one is believed to hold ghosts.


  • Sprunk Factory "Ghost" part 2

  • Bloody Bedroom (not seen until 5:02)

  • Ratman

part 2
  • Sunken Ship With Ghost