Millie Perkins

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Millie Perkins.
Millie's house

Millie Perkins is one of Carl Johnson's storyline girlfriends in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. She is a croupier at Caligula's Palace casino in Las Venturas. She is a strong believer in BDSM and gives the player a key after completing a certain level of progress in the dating aspect of the mission (or you could just kill her and wait for Wu Zi Mu to call, then go inside her house and get the key card). Like all the other girlfriends in the game (except for Denise Robinson), she is extremely fussy about the appearance of her boyfriend.

In order to acquire Millie Perkins as a girlfriend, the player must go into the sex shop where Millie's car is parked, acquire a gimp suit, drive to her house, and destroy a rival gimp. If the gimp makes it to her house before CJ can enter, then the mission is a failure and must be retried in order to get the key card needed to raid Caligula's Palace. Millie lives in the Prickle Pine district of northern Las Venturas. You can usually find her at home between 12:00 to 22:00


Killing Millie Perkins.

Food Date

Millie likes restaurants, and fortunately there's a restaurant not too far southwest of her house.

Dancing Date

You'll want to take her to the Camel's Toe dance club way down in southeast Las Venturas.

Driving Date

Millie likes about an average speed, and has a pretty generous range of approval, so you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping her happy. She also likes the area she lives at, so you can just drive her in circles around her neighborhood area.

Special Date

Millie's special date is definitely her easiest date, and probably her best since you can get a 10% relationship boost from this date even before Millie starts inviting you in normally. To get this date, you have to wear the gimp suit. Then when you show up for a date, you'll just go inside and have sex instead of having to deal with going places or doing things. With this date, you won't be able to give her any gifts or follow it up with coffee. Also, when you finish the date you won't be wearing your gimp suit anymore, but it will still be available from your wardrobe.


You don't get to start having coffee after normal dates with Millie until you get your relationship with her to about 40%.


  • At about 35%: After your date, Millie will call you on your cellphone and tell you that you can go to her house to get her key card. Now you can enter Millie's house just this once to get it.
  • At 50%: You get the keys to her car, which is a pink Club.
  • At 100%: You get absolutely nothing. The gimp suit you got on the mission was considered Millie's outfit gift.