End of the Line

End of the Line
Frank Tenpenny dying in Grove Street.
Frank Tenpenny dying in Grove Street.

Frank Tenpenny dying in Grove Street.
Game GTA San Andreas
For Sweet
Target Big Smoke
Location Ganton, Los Santos
Unlocks Nothing, besides a last phone call from Catalina

End of the Line is the final mission in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.



Grove Street Families are now back to the top and to finish the Ballas for once and all CJ goes to see Sweet at his home to kill Big Smoke and then "take care" of Tenpenny.


Before starting this mission you need to takeover at least 35% of territory from the Ballas and Vagos and wait for Sweet to call. This mission is divided into four parts.

1) Find Big Smoke: When the cutscene ends, Sweet gets in a passenger seat of the Greenwood, get in the car and drive to East Los Santos. Once you drive to the marker you'll see the riots going on as well as the Ballas guarding Smoke's crack palace. There's a BMX parked nearby, first if you have a sniper rifle shoot the two Ballas in front of the door. Then hop on the bike and get yourself to the SWAT Tank represented by a blue arrow on it. Get in it and drive at a good amount of speed to smash through the wall where the Ballas just stood. Simply run over the Ballas with the SWAT Tank until all of them are dead. Near the entrance door there's a couple of hookers and some guy high on drugs sleeping. It's up to you if you kill them but they won't hurt you.

2) Inside the Crack Palace: Now you have entered the crack-house and you're at the "Security Area", first floor of the building. You'll see a Ballas upstairs waiting, kill him and once you are upstairs a Balla who is hiding behind some wall crouches and starts shooting at you, waste him. Then you'll have to walk towards the left of the hallway where another one of the Ballas is standing behind some table with an AK-47, once he's dead one of the Vagos guys will roll out from the left carrying an MP5, once he's dead you can now pickup the armor where the last one of the Ballas was shot. Walk through the double-doors and crouch behind the boxes for cover. There are now lots of Ballas and Vagos behind the walls and they are well-armed. Kill them all and a SWAT Tank will arrive breaking out of a window to the left. Kill the SWAT cops and a Ballas runs outside of the entrance at the right-end of the room. Once he's dead you'll reach that small room where a couple of Ballas and a Vagos gang member are. Waste them all and get up the stairs, to the right you'll see a hidden Combat Shotgun and a health-pickup. Get them if you need to. Once you walk through the double doors you are in the "Drug Lab". A Rifa gangster is hiding behind a table in front of the double doors upstairs. Shoot him as quick as possible because he carries an M4 and it can make a lot of damage. Another armor pickup is at the same spot he was hiding on. Now walk through the double door where you'll see another Rifa double-wielding a pistol, waste him. And you have eventually reached the big room of the Drug Lab where you see several unique peds that are workers and pretty much all of them carry M4's. Shot the explosive red barrels for help once all of them are dead run to the east upstairs and once you have reached the end of the getaway two Rifa guys will appear down stairs, kill them and continue your way. And when you're on the other side, two Rifa's will run onto you. Just shoot the red barrel and they are most likely killed by the explosion. On the double doors you walk through there's a health pickup. Take it and you are now on the "Ballas Lounge", meaning the third floor. You have the same situation as when you entered the Drug Lab, this time a Balla is standing near an armor pickup, and this floor is different to the other one's. Once you go through the double doors a Balla and a Vago are talking to each other carrying Micro SMG's. Kill them and now on the yet another double door you'll see some Vagos, Russian Mafia gangster with one wielding shotgun, kill the one with shotgun first and then there's also a girl with them. Kill them all and the girl has too little health, one small punch kills her. And now you have entered the big "Ballas Lounge" where there are several Vagos, Ballas and Russians around, kill the one's standing near the Big Smoke statue and then when you head to the left first shot the Ballas with shotguns then the other guys. There are two rooms now to the right and left, both have an armor pickup and a health one. But a Russian is guarding each room with a hooker dancing. When you're done there you'll walk through another door to the left-end and you'll get the message "Get Big Smoke".

3) Kill Big Smoke: Now you enter the highest floor where Smoke is hiding you'll see a short cutscene where he is smoking crack, playing video game and wearing a bulletproof vest. After a short talk between CJ and Smoke, you take control of CJ and Smoke is starting to run around the room with some Ballas standing near him shooting at you, first kill the Ballas then go after Smoke. And in this turn you need a strong weapon like an M4, Combat shotgun or a minigun which is the best weapon to have for this part. Rifas and Vagos will join the action while your running after Smoke, kill them then the lights will go off. Now go near the vending machine and pickup the goggles. Now you can go after Smoke and kill him. Don't shoot at his body as he wears a bulletproof vest and there will be absolutely no damage by it, you should mainly aim at his head as it takes the most damage. He has a lot of health so it doesn't take a simple headshot to kill him. (Again, if you have a minigun, just disregard the above. Just aim at Smoke, fire, and he dies. If you do a good enough job leading him, he might not even last two seconds.) Once he's dead a cutscene shows with Smoke dying and Tenpenny showing up. He asks CJ to put the money of Smoke on his bag and "chuck it over" to him. Tenpenny will put the "Drug Lab" on fire by shooting its lights and now the place has caught fire. Armor is near the sofa's and an AK as well. If you fail after this part of the mission and redo it then you'll always start from the last part after Smoke is killed. With the fire the only thing you can do is just redo what you did on the second step. All the Ballas and Vagos have respawned so you have to kill them. There's also fires blocking some roads and you have pickup the fire extinguisher to take them out, but it would be handy to have done the firetruck missions as you'll be fireproof and then you can just walk through the fire. Once you have escaped through the crack fortress you'll see a cutscene where CJ is running out as the house explodes.

4) The Chase: Now you are at the last part of the mission, Sweet jumps on the ladder of Tenpenny's firetruck he tries to escape with and CJ has a Feltzer parked close to him. As CJ gets in the Feltzer you take control again and now you have to chase Tenpenny's firetruck, it's very fast so try to focus on not losing your speed and it's easy to lose the firetruck. Don't attempt to damage the firetruck as you might at best only injury Sweet and don't worry about the Vagos rioters shooting or throwing molotovs at your car, your car has infinite health so nothing can bring it down. After a long chase Tenpenny drives on a railway outside Ganton, watch out for the train coming against you. Once you're around Ocean Docks, a cop and an assistant of Tenpenny gets out and he is stamping on Sweet's finger so he can hold himself on the truck anymore, but you must catch up and drive under the ladder so Sweet drops safely on your car. You don't have much time to play around as Sweet's grip drops pretty quick. When Sweet is on the car he'll take the driving seat and you are now the shootist as rioters and cops will chase you. There'll be cop cars, Vagos bikes, gang members chasing you. After a long chase Tenpenny loses control and drives off the bridge on Grove Street and he'll eventually die after being ignored by everybody else around. Once he's dead the crew will come and have a short talk. Cesar, Kendl, CJ and Sweet will walk inside the Johnson House along with The Truth. All of sudden Madd Dogg, Ken Rosenberg, Kent Paul and Maccer appear with Madd Dogg announcing his first gold record. Afterwards the credits will roll and Catalina makes her last prank call heard having sex with Claude.


(CJ enters Sweet's house)

CJ: Hey, Sweet!

Sweet: Wassup?

CJ: It's time for Smoke.

Sweet: Alright, let's roll.

CJ: Johnson brothers fittin' to take that fat fool down.

(Sweet and CJ outside)

CJ: You sure he's in East Los Santos?

Sweet: Yeah, right on the edge of Los Flores - some old apartments and a warehouse.

CJ: He's as good as dead then. Can't believe you bought that same bucket ass car, man!

Sweet: Hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So this is it huh? Johnson boys sorting this shit out. Nervous?

CJ: Yeah!

Sweet: Me too, me too.

(CJ and Sweet inside the car.)

CJ: Look, I know you down for this, but I gotta go in there alone.

Sweet: What?

CJ: Smoke played me. Tenpenny played me.

Sweet: They played us all.

CJ: Yeah, but your right - I was a busta, when my family needed me the most. Hey, I let Brian die, man. This one's for him... for mums... and for you bro!

Sweet: Yeah, for the Grove Street, baby.

CJ: Yeah, for the Grove, baby!

Sweet: Hey, if you need me, you know I'll be.

CJ: For sure. You've been always there for me, man.

(CJ and Smoke in the crack palace.)

CJ: Hey Smoke!

Smoke: HEY! CJ I was wondering when you'd show up.

CJ: How'd you know it was me?

Smoke: Knew it was my old dog, CJ. Knew you was coming and I don't give a shit.

CJ: I'm here to take care of your fat ass, and then take care of your friends in the police department. Where they at?

Smoke: Man, fuck this shit! Ahh, that's some good shit. Fuck Tenpenny, fuck his polish lapdog and fuck the police. Man all that's old shit. Look at you, you got the whole world and I ain't go no regret man.

CJ: Smoke you had a...

Smoke: I made it CJ, I'm a success! I CAN'T BE TOUCHED. I don't give a fuck, fuck the whole world.

CJ: What happened to you, man?

Smoke: Maaan, what the fuck do you care? Ehh - guess we better do this shit then.

(Smoke and CJ gunfighting.)

CJ: You wearing body armor, Smoke? I'm disappointed in you, I thought you was gangsta.

Smoke: Hey, I am a motherfucking celebrity. Somebody save the Smoke. SHOOT HIM!

(Smoke dying)

CJ: Hey, Smoke, what made you flip out like that man? Was it the drugs or what?

Smoke: I got caught up in the money, the power... I don't give a shit, ohhhh fuck man!

CJ: Why didn't you just quit man? We was like family, homie.

Smoke: I had no choice, I had to do it. I just see the opportunity. When I'm gone, everyone's gonna remember my name, BIG SMOKE!

CJ: Damn man, what a waste!

(Tenpenny enters the room)

Tenpenny: Carl Johnson. My man. I need you to do me another favor. You killed Pulaski, and now this fat fuck. There's no stopping you. Drop the gun.

CJ: You ain't leaving here alive, man.

Tenpenny: Where's your brother at, huh?

CJ: Why didn't you just shoot me in the back? Feeling exposed, huh?

Tenpenny: Shut your dumb ass up and load the bag. C'mon, let's go, I ain't got no time to fuck with you!

CJ: So what it's like, Tenpenny, huh? All alone, nobody got your back. Suck, huh?

Tenpenny: Why you think am alone? I got a couple of rookies outside. But I gotta open their eyes slowly, you know - a little truth here, a little truth there... A'ight, fuck it, that's enough. Chuck it over, I've got a firetruck to catch.

CJ: You're crazy man, you lost it... you're gone.

Tenpenny: Half the city's looking for cops to kill, Carl. And I ain't about to get dragged out of a patrol car and get beaten to death by some angry mob. Not tonight.

CJ: What you catching, a plane?

Tenpenny: Ding ding ding ding ding, good answer Carl! You know, your gonna thank me one day - for opening your fucking eyes. OH! I almost forgot, Carl! Time to die.

CJ: Uh, Sweet!

Tenpenny: What? motherf-... It ain't over Carl, it ain't over.

(Tenpenny in the Drug Lab)

Tenpenny: Carl, you motherfucking piece of shit gangbanging cocksucker!

(Tenpenny getting into a firetruck, Sweet jumping on the ladder.)

Sweet: Tenpenny you motherfucking piece of shit, I ain't letting you get away with all you've done.

CJ: Sweet, NO!

Sweet: I'm gonna piss on your corpse Tenpenny. I ain't losing this fool! CJ, do something!

CJ: Just keep hanging on bro!

Sweet: Oh man, that was a close call, I ain't letting this bastard go.

Cop: There go you, dumb bastard!

(Sweet jumps on CJ's car, chasing Tenpenny.)

Sweet: Fuck you, pig. Gotcha!

CJ: Take the wheel, it's payback time!

Sweet: Motherfucker! Take that pig bastard down. These firetrucks are indestructible. We gonna dent it! Watch our six, cops on our tail. Vagos rioters coming up, this city's gone nuts. I'll keep up with Tenpenny, don't you worry! Concentrate on keeping all these other lunatics off our case, CJ. Rioters on the bridge up ahead, they dropping shit from that bridge. Look out, CJ! Watch our six. Some rioters on bikes after us. Look out, CJ! Crazy bikers on a rampage. I keep up with Tenpenny, he ain't getting away. Cops on our tail. Where did all these assholes come from?

CJ: Down in flames! DOWN IN FLAMES! It's over Tenpenny, OVER! I'm gonna stop you motherfucka!

Sweet: He's losing control!

CJ: We got the motherfucker!

(Tenpenny's car falls from the bridge.)

Tenpenny: Come on, assholes. I'll take you all. Your mine! MINE! I run this town. Hey over here, HEY! Officer down! COME ON, HEY! Assholes, you never understood what I did. Fifty of me and this town would be okay. I took the trash out. I DID - and I'd do it all again.

(Tenpenny dies. Cesar, Kendl, Sweet, CJ and The Truth appear.)

Sweet: Don't... don't do it man, he's gone.

CJ: I just want to be sure he's over, that's all!

Sweet: It's cool! Don't need to put a bullet in him. He killed himself in a traffic accident. No one to blame. Let's roll!

Truth: I mean, for out, man. You know, I mean, you beat the system. I tried for thirty years to cross over. But you've managed it! I mean, your an icon, man.

CJ: Oh - Thanks man!

Kendl: I'm just glad it's finally over.

Sweet: What's up with Smoke?

CJ: You know what's up with Smoke - he always saw things a lil' different than us.

Kendl: Smoke? Smoke was always on his own, always out for self.

Truth: That's the surest path to hell, man. Well - that or fifteen microdots and an ounce of mescaline.

Cesar: Let's go get something to eat!

Sweet: Sounds good to me.

CJ: See you around, officer. (to Tenpenny)

(Inside the Johnson House.)

CJ: Now that everything is cool, we gotta stay on top of our game. Keep everything in check, but subtle.

Kendl: We got problems in Venturas, problems in San Fierro. Shit's never ending.

Sweet: For sure. I mean, the Families is back on their feet. But we gotta keep shit tight cause a lot of people have got their eyes on us.

(Ken Rosenberg, Kent Paul, Maccer and Madd Dogg enter.)

Ken: I came in peace here with Mr. Dogg who has an announcement.

Madd Dogg: My, I mean OUR.. FIRST... GOLD RECORD! (cheering)

Maccer: And I've decided to get breast implants.

Kent Paul: Will ya shut up?

CJ: Anyways, what's next?

Kendl: We should hit the casino, roll some dice with Woozie.

Sweet: Nah, we gotta take care of things here first.

Madd Dogg: We're going on tour, fan!

Ken: Has anyone got a tissue? My nose is... it just won't stop running - anybody?

Maccer: Yeah I have, over here!

Ken: Uhh, I'll pass!

Kendl: Carl, where are ya off to now?

CJ: Fittin' to hit the block, see what's happening!

Mission sequence

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas missions
Preceded by: Followed by:
Los Desperados 'End of the Line' Ending Credits