The Job

The Job
Tommy Vercetti (center), Cam Jones (right), and Phil Cassidy (left) robbing the El Banco Corrupto Grande.
Tommy Vercetti (center), Cam Jones (right), and Phil Cassidy (left) robbing the El Banco Corrupto Grande.

Tommy Vercetti (center), Cam Jones (right), and Phil Cassidy (left) robbing the El Banco Corrupto Grande.
Game GTA Vice City
For Tommy Vercetti
Target El Banco Corrupto Grande
Location Vice Point, Vice City
Reward $50,000
Bank Job Outfit
Unlocks Gun Runner
Unlocked by The Driver

The Job is the last mission in the asset missions for The Malibu Club.


It's time to pull off the Bank Job for which you've gathered a team. You will drive there, you and Phil Cassidy will hold off the place, Cam Jones will unlock the safe, take the money and Hilary King will drive you away from there to the HQ.


The gang's all set, so tool up and wheel out. Get in the taxi and follow the blip to the bank across town. Enter the bank and be calm. Head upstairs and don't shoot until security shows up. Head to the second floor and the vault and head upstairs and search for the manager, who's cowering in the office. Once all are sorted, head to the lobby and then SWAT teams infiltrate the bank. Cover and use any automatic weapons or shotguns, magnum also works. Auto-aim every SWAT then head outside and watch the getaway driver being mowed down. Again, auto-aim every SWAT, then escape using the taxi. Use the Pay N' Spray. Once you no longer have a wanted level, head to Cam's and mission completed.


Tommy Vercetti: As you can see gentlemen, this is going to be the easiest buck we ever made.

Ken Rosenberg: Tommy, seriously, you gotta consider getting into law.

Phil Cassidy: What the hell are you smoking, man? This ain't no simple plan! Well, who needs a simple plan anyway? Take communism, now that was a simple plan. Didn't do Russia any favors, huh?

Tommy Vercetti: Calm down, all right? With a team like this it's going to be no problem. We got Cam on safe. Phil? You and me will handle security, and Hilary'll drive the getaway car.

Ken Rosenberg: Uh, heh heh, aren't you forgetting somebody? Somebody who helped you to no end in this town? Somebody who...

Tommy Vercetti: Ken... Ken, that's right, Ken here, he washes the money for us and he keeps the drink on ice.


Hilary King: I don't understand what I am supposed to be doing here.

Tommy Vercetti: Look, it's easy. Haven't you ever seen a movie? We walk into the bank, we wave the gun around, and leave very rich men.

(Outside Malibu Club.)

Tommy Vercetti: I'll drive

Hilary King: Great. A passenger. Wait 'til i tell the group about this.

(Tommy drive the team to the bank.)

Cam Jones: Tommy, Hilary's taking up too much room !

Hilary King: I am not!

Cam Jones: Are too!

Tommy Vercetti: Hey, shut up you two, or you can get out and walk!

Cam Jones: Yeah - HILARY.

Tommy Vercetti: For god's sake, Phil, stop waving that thing around!

(The team arrive in the El Banco Corrupto Grande.)

Tommy Vercetti: Keep driving around the block, OK?

Hilary King: Okay. Tommy. Okay.

(Hilary drive away. The team go to the bushes beside the bank to change their clothes to Bank Job outfit.)

Tommy Vercetti: Okay, guys. Nice and easy... just as we plan...

(The team raid the bank.)

Tommy Vercetti: THIS IS A RAID!!! NOBODY MOVE! EVERYBODY UP AGAINST THAT WALL!!! Phil! Hold down the fort.

Phil Cassidy: Wilco roger that!

Tommy Vercetti: Come on, Cam. The vault's upstairs...

(Tommy and Cam head upstairs to the vault. Cam examine the vault.)

Cam Jones: Damn! It's a Flange 9000! This could take hours to crack. Or five minutes if you can find the manager.

Tommy Vercetti: I'll go see where he's holed up.

(Tommy head downstairs.)

Tommy Vercetti: Phil! Things still sweet?

Phil Cassidy: Sure! Everything's reaaal quiet.

(Tommy find the manager hiding in his office.)

Tommy Vercetti: You - you're coming with me.

Manager: Okay! Okay! Just don't shoot!


(Tommy take the manager to the vault.)

Manager: It's a time lock. You might as well give up soon!

Cam Jones: Hell, i can bypass the time lock. Now we just your key code and we good!

Tommy Vercetti: Stay here. Try to do anything and you're dead. I'll go check on Phil, i'll be back soon...

(Tommy head downstairs but suddenly the alarm go off.)

Phil Cassidy: I TOLD YOU TO NOT TOUCH THAT ALARM! The SWAT team will be here any minute! I could do some help here, Tommy!

SWAT (voice): Vice City SWAT! You are completely surrounded!

Phil Cassidy: Surrounded? HAHAHAHaha! They're crapping themself, corrupt bastard!

Cam Jones: Tommy! The vault's open.

Tommy Vercetti: OK. We got SWAT retirement funds. Let's get out of here!

SWAT (voice): Okay! You asked for it! You got your last chance!

Phil Cassidy: They're storming the place! Take cover!

(Phil and Tommy kill all the attackng SWATs)

Phil Cassidy: That the last of them! Go! Go! Go!

(Outside the bank.)

Phil Cassidy: Shit! Where's Hilary? I'll give him abandonment issues!

(Hilary come.)

Hilary King: Hey guys! Get in! I got you covered!

(The SWATs killed Hilary. Tommy, Phil and Cam head back to Cam's home.)


  • The song heard during the opening cutscene is "Freaks Come Out at Night" by Whodini. It wasn't featured on any radio station in GTA Vice City, but is featured on Fresh FM in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.
  • If the player kills the man who triggers the alarm then another bystander takes his place. If both are killed, the hostages begin to attack Tommy Vercetti.
  • Tommy Vercetti mentions the SWAT retirement fund. Deleted dialogue shows that Kent Paul informed him of this.


External Links

The Job mission video by GTAmission - Playstation2 Version