Frenchie Fox

Frenchie Fox is 30 year old prostitute who is often picked up around Purgatory, Algonquin and Chase Point, Bohan in Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV. She is believed to be wealthy and only prostitutes herself because she is a nymphomaniac and donates her profits to charity.

LCPD Database information

Surname: Fox

First Name: Frenchie

Age: 30

Place of Birth: Unknown

Affiliations: N/A

Criminal Record:

  • 2000 - Prostitution
  • 2003 - Prostitution
  • 2006 - Indecent Exposure
  • 2007 - Prostitution
  • 2008 - Prostitution


  • Prostitute often picked up on Chase Point and around Purgatory.
  • Believed to be wealthy. It is thought that she only prostitutes herself because she is a nymphomaniac and donates the profit to charity.