Zombotech Corporation

Revision as of 20:35, 18 June 2008 by Eganio (talk | contribs) (Re-categorized.)

The Zombotech Corporation is a large commercial/industrial business entity headquartered in San Fierro. Housed in the row of identical cylindrical buildings just west of the freeway in Foster Valley, this business seems to be modeled after the numerous high-tech corporations that emerged along the San Francisco peninsula region during the mid-90's economic boom. In fact, Zombotech's headquarters is highly reminiscent of those of the Oracle Corporation in Redwood Shores, a planned community near Foster City, California.

Zombotech Corporation Logo

The Zombotech Corporation attempts to soften its lifeless, inhuman corporate image by posting the following inscription on its lobby entrance: "Zombotech Sinister Zombie Virus Research Corporation Welcomes Visitors!"