Hippy Shopper

File:Hippy Shopper logo.png
Hippy Shopper logo

Hippy Shopper is a small chain of shops based in San Fierro, San Andreas, with stores located, fittingly, in the hippie-influenced districts of Hashbury and Queens.

The Hippy Shopper name is based on that of Happy Shopper, a United Kingdom-based brand of convenience products; its logo is based on the Happy Shopper's original orange and yellow design (retired 2000), complete with the head of a grinning blond woman, which is depicted in-game with a bandanna and longer hair in the same fashion as a stereotypical hippie.

Motorcycle courier sidemission

GTA San Andreas sidesteps its otherwise anti-drug storyline and presents a side-mission where Carl Johnson apparently plays a narcotics courier for a Hippy Shopper in Queens. Once the side mission is complete, the Queens Hippy Shopper becomes an asset for Carl, after completing four delivery side-missions, and earns up to $2,000 a day.
