Community:GTA IV Gripes/Weapons

This is the official Grand Theft Wiki GTA IV Gripes list.

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The "Gripes" on this page are intended to warn new players of things they may not like about the game.

The "Rebuts" on this page are intended to explain to new players why some gripes may not be a "gripe" for all players.

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How To Gripe

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  • Start a gripe with {{Gripe}}, then follow with your gripe.

How To Rebut Gripes

  • Rebuttals to gripes should be directly underneath the gripe.
  • Start your rebuttal with :{{Rebut}}, then follow with your rebuttal.
  • Rebuttals should address reasons it is not a valid gripe, and should not accuse the gripe of being "silly" or "stupid."

   Early GTAIV screenshots showed a possibility of customizing weapons with flashlights or sights. In addition, half the weapons shown in screenshots or artwork don't appear in the game, like the SPAS-12 and MP5NA3.

 Provide me with a screenshot and I will dignify this gripe with a proper answer.

   Take a look:

  I don't see that idiot "dignifying" you with a proper answer, but I'd say the SPAS12 images are just concept art drawn by people who largely don't have a lot to do with the content of the game. The MP5 is interesting and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the DLC, since I'd rather have a real MP5 than whatever that SMG is supposed to be.

   Ammo limits are really, really annoying.

 This is personal opinion. Ammo limits are not so low that it's difficult to complete missions. In fact, it's more than enough.

 What if you are confronted against FBIs and NOOSE patrol teams? If you're very low on ammo, then you're completely defenseless and then you die. Like in GTA SA, there were no ammo limits (you can store 900 rockets, have 7000 pistoms, SMGs, have 900 Flamethrower containers, etc.). Besides, Ammo limits are very humiliating.

 After you beat the game the ammo limit is gone, you keep putting them in, after awhile it may saw you have 9999 of 30 for the machine gun but fire and reload and it says you still have 9999 of 30, ammo limit is removed with completion of the game.

 Well, by the time the limit is gone, there won't be any real-good reason to utilize it. It would have been much better to just have it on while a person was going through the storyline missions and not after.

 I cannot imagine a person carrying 9999 bullets for at least 6 guns. Imagine how many extra ammo bags and storage space you would need, carrying 8 rockets in your Perseus pocket is already quite ridiculous, that's enough bullets for every gun.

 But he could at least hold more than 8 rockets. That's not enough.

 Will 2000 rockets be able to fit in your pockets? Don't think so.

 That's f***ing retarded. The ammo limits are in place for the multiplayer, so people don't just amass 50 RPG's and dominate everyone, and for the new stats they have, like the time wanted on six stars that compel you to actually run from the police instead of holing yourself up and bombarding them with RPGs indefinitely.

 Huh, what did you say? You need ammo bags to carry extra bullets. And you're lucky that the RPG lets you hold 8 rockets. Ever play Call of Duty 4? You can only hold 2 ROCKETS with the RPG perk. If you were to carry 2000 rockets, I'd think you'd need a truck to carry all those rockets.

   There are not enough "special" weapons like the chainsaw, the golf club, the pool cue, or the fire extinguisher like there were in GTA San Andreas.

  If you check the page under features it explains why many of the weapons have been removed.

 This is a game where a man is able to hide several large weapons under his coat and who is killed thousands of times and recovers perfectly 12 hours later. Not the most realistic already, and throwing in a few fun weapons like the M60 or Flamethrower wouldn't do any major harm to that vibe.

 Silly weapons are gone to make room for more realistic combat. Weapons like the flame thrower only serve one purpose in the general story line of the game. Plus they are not as effective as a weapon such as an AK-47 or 9MM.

 Who cares!? It's fun to go light old people on fire! With no Flamethrower or other super weapons massacres become harder and you can't that that sick pleasure of castrating a cop with a Katana. I WANT MASS MURDER SPREES! I don't care for realism! Just murder! Oh, and believe me, taking away super weapons won't save R* from lawsuits!

 Sorry then. GTA IV is more realistic. And it's fun to light people on fire? Try that in real life and you'd be killed in a minute. Ain't that easy to get a flamethrower either.

   Weapons are now seen on top of buildings, which is harder to find.

 How many people leave sniper riffles in the gutters in Time Square?
 Perhaps Rockstar intended for players to start thinking outside the box to find all the goodies?

   Tear Gas and Satchel Bomb was removed.

 Tear gas was completely useless in the main storyline of GTASA other than to knock out some guards. And the Satchel bomb has been replaced with Packie's car bomb.

   RPG can only hold 8 rockets.

 In real life, an RPG does NOT hold two thousand rockets. Sorry.

 Maybe not 2000, but surely more than 8.

 RPG-7 can hold only 1 rocket, player holds the others, so It's ok, I think

   Weapons stores are few and far between.

 That is explained in game by the mayor's "Crackdown" on weapons

   Little Jacob doesn't sell all the weapons, so an expensive trip to the gun store is required.

 Later on in game he sells armor, rockets, m16 ammo, grenades etc.

 True, but he doesn't sell Combat Pistol ammo, RPG ammo or regular shotgun ammo.

 He doesn't sell these because it is harder for one man unassociated with the black market to get highly illegal weapons such as the rocket launcher.

   Dual-wielding weapons is no longer possible.

  In real life, would you be able to dual-wield a shotgun?

 Maybe not a shotgun, but pistols are easily dual wieldable.

 Niko is a war veteran, and prefers to use weapons the way they were meant to be used.

   You can't use free-aim because the targeting reticule automatically locks on to pedestrians, so you'll have to use your Sniper Rifle to shoot pigeons. Even if you try and force the aiming reticule off of the pedestrians, it will simply lock on to another pedestrians, so there is no way to make the aiming reticule let you aim yourself.

 If you hold the aim trigger all the way down it targets a person, if you hold it part of the way down you can move the reticule around to aim how you please, like shooting through the windshield of a moving car to kill the driver.

   Where is the fire extinguisher?

 Removed due to uselessness.

 The Fire Extinguisher has the ability to douse the flames from burning barrels, burning cars and pedestrians. It can even be ruptured and exploded by a gunshot, thus you can even blind cops, enemies even pedestrains to make the escape.

 Would you really want to carry a heavy fire extinguisher with you when you are chased by the cops? Not to mention you have to get really close to fight with it, in that time you could be shot down. And how many people do missions with fire extinguishers in a gun fight?

   No one handed gun use.

 Niko is a war veteran and therefore knows how to use weapons properly.

   The silenced pistol was removed

 It was a weak weapon, and removed due to the "Crackdown" on guns, because of its huge ability not to be noticed by the cops.

   Shooting ranges is no longer featured.

  Thats because Ammu-nations got shut down.
 Mayor Ochoa could have enacted legislation in Liberty City that bans firing ranges within the city limits.

   No weapon customization.

 Niko doesn't have time to add a flash light onto his M16, does he?
 GTA is not Rainbow Six, so weapon add-ons are not needed. A laser sight and a reflex scope may sound okay, but there's no first-person iron sight aiming with weapons outside of the sniper rifles. And it may be possible that Mayor Ochoa is positively terrified of anything relating to firearms, that he's went and banned all firearm-related accessories in Liberty City.

   The Molotov Cocktail does'nt spread flames all over the ground, even if you throw 20 of them to the ground, and yet the fire still dies out, thus dramatically reducing realism.

 Molotov Cocktails didn't start forest fires in GTA:SA, so why should they start now? Rockstar could not possibly produce a game that is completely faithful to the real world.

   You don't even get to use your weapons (when out of ammo) as meleé weapons.

 That would probably require integration with the already-difficult melée combat system that it was too much of a hassle for Rockstar to implement.
 As a matter of fact, you CAN use your weapons in a melée form at close range, albeit with ammo remaining. Get in close to your adversary and hit the Fire button, and Niko will use a pistol-whip or rifle-butt against an enemy. A Shotgun of any flavor works well here.

   If a black man in the nineties could obtain a lock on Rocket Launcher from a government agent's house,I'm pretty sure an illegal immigrant could get a flamethrower from a Jamaican arms dealer,no offense intended.

 Sorry to inform you, but flamethrowers have been deleted from Grand Theft Auto IV. If Rockstar had indeed left the flamethrower in the game, it would probably take the shape of an M2-2 or a Lifebuoy/Ack Pack type device. Both are extremely unwieldly contraptions, having tanks which go on the user's back full of volatile fuel and compressed air, and only having an effective burn time of ten seconds. Not very easy to use in face-on combat.

 Could you explain that in Person talk?

 That's about as crystal-clear as it gets. Flamethrowers are not like assault rifles; you can't just insert a fresh magazine and go. You need to fill the gas tanks, charge them with the compressed air, which requires two people, and you need to be frugal with the fuel, because after ten seconds it's all used up. Plus, a fully-fueled and charged flamethrower weighs in at about 64 pounds/29.03 kilograms, so running and gunning is not a viable option. Rockstar opted for realism in GTA IV, and that's about as realistic as it gets.

   Okay so how come GTA SA has no realism? Neigh,how is it realistic the man carries sooo man guns and soooo much ammo in just ONE shirt.Where is Niko even keeping these guns?!It makes no sense!

   This guy came to America on what is essentially a floating door.If he's a veteran ,Niko should have a massive array of weapons at his disposal.I think there would probably be flamethrower amongst those lines.But still,touche" my adversary for a good argument.

  Flamethrowers haven't been seen in combat since the Second World War, and are highly restricted in America, classified as Destructive Devices under the 1934 National Firearms Act and very, very hard to come by, even for Little Jacob. This is not a debate forum, it is a gripe page, and I wish to keep it as such.

   They took out all the strange weapons(Rocket Launcher,Dildo,Chainsaw)

 First of all, the RPG is still there. Second of all, why would Niko need a dildo? Third, well, there are no tool stores to get a chainsaw.

 I said Rocket Launcher not RPG. There is a difference. Second, Niko could shove a dildo down a cop's throat to slow him down and lastly Niko could buy a chainsaw online. HA!

 Okay, so whats the difference between Rocket Launcher and a Rocket Propelled Grenade? Unless you're talking about the bazooka from GTA III or the Heat Seaking Rocket Launcher from GTA San Andreas, I can see your difference. Second, do you even know what a dildo is supposed to be for? It's a sex toy, not a weapon to shove down a persons throat. Niko isn't a master of torture, and he's seen his share of torture of enemies or POW's. By the way, what the hell is that HA! at the end for anyway? Are you making fun of me?
 The chainsaw was tremendous fun at first but it got old pretty quickly after Vice City. It's loud and bulky and, in GTA San Andreas, lacks the satisfying blood effects and has somewhat worse animations. I'd rather have two well animated melee weapons (like the knife and the bat) than half a dozen of them, most of which serve the same purpose. Pool cue, shovel, golf club? I don't miss them. The flamethrower would be fun to show off the wonderful flame effects of the RAGE engine, but molotovs make a lot more sense so why not just use those? And the dildo... please, that was only included as a joke weapon in the first place, that doesn't mean it has to be a permanent fixture in the 'arsenal'.

 I'm just going to replay to that first Rebut.Specifically the dildo thing.I DO know what a Dildo is and yes it would be a great torture weapon.Could you keep your focus with a dildo shoved inside your throat,touching your intestines?No.No you couldn't.

 It's still a joke weapon. How many criminals go out with nothing but a dildo and shove it down a cop's throat? Cops are well armed. Try shoving a dildo down a cops throat and you'd be dead in a minute.