Epsilon Program

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The Epsilon Program is a fictional religious cult across a number of GTA games, led by Cris Formage. The cult first emerged as a teaser site for GTA San Andreas. The cult is an obvious scam, intended to gain money by brainwashing its followers into paying large sums of money. This is similar to real-life cults in the late 20th century.

The first facts about Epsilon cult emerged in late 2005. It is believed that there is a fictional cult in the game with its followers who worship Krant and Kifflom. If the player cracks the mystery of the cult, eventually he will be able to go to a secret location, called Puerto Amarilla Valley.

The mystery of Epsilon was revealed through several means:

  • Rockstar set up the teaser website dedicated to the cult
  • There are numerous mentions of Epsilon on various radio stations
  • Lazlow hosts the talk show with cult's leader
  • Many pedestrians or special characters talk about the cult, and some say, that they are Kifflom's followers.
  • Many map references


The Epsilon Program website includes lots of info about Epsilon, such as the twelve tenets of Kifflom:

  1. The world is 157 years old
  2. Dinosaurs are a lie that people believe because they are weak
  3. You are happy, you just don’t know it
  4. We all come from the same tree
  5. Everyone is related to everyone else, except for people with red hair
  6. Sperm does not exist - it is a lie spread by biology teachers - along with everything else you have ever been told
  7. Men are supposed to lie with nine new partners a week. Women are supposed to lie with six, except for in July, when they must lie with five men a day
  8. Aliens exist and are present on earth. If you have a birth mark, you may be descended from Kraff, the famous Emperor of the 4th Paradigm
  9. Trees talk, but only some people hear them
  10. People who believe in something live much longer than atheists, and they have eternal life thrown in for good measure
  11. If you believe this and turn you hands and wallet over to EPSILONISM, you’ll live a happy life. Otherwise you are doomed

The site also features a drawing of a possible descendant of Krant, bearing a large birthmark on the face.

There site contains a page about the Tract, which is expected to hold the truth about Epsilon. However, the site states that the tract has not yet been written. There is an address in Grand Canaria to send a cheque to, from which you would supposedly be sent a copy of the Tract. Grand Canaria is well known as a tax haven and offshore location for many dubious companies.

Cris Formage tells us in his wonderful book, It Happened To Us All, that the TRACT will be written when we are all ready. However, Cris is also very clear on another point - although the TRACT has not yet been written, it can still be read by those that are willing to read it.

Pedestrians and Characters

The followers of the Epsilon cult are included, but not limited to, the following list:

  • People with rucksacks, who can be seen near Verdant Bluffs area, often talk about Epsilon
  • Katy, CJ's nurse girlfriend, says that "cult nut-jobs freak me out"
  • Barber, who lives in CJ's area of Los Santos, also talks about the cult
  • Cult leader Cris Formage is interviewed by Lazlow on the radio

Map references

One place, "The farm. Cult location", is shown on the map provided with GTA San Andreas. The farmhouse windows are glowing blue at night, unlike any other window in the game.

Another place associated with cult is located near The Big Ear. When looked at closely, the pattern of light and dark areas of sand form an image very similar to the one featured on the web-site, and indeed looks like a face of Krant's descendant. There are ghost town and abandoned vehicles nearby, which made the theory that Epsilon is somehow connected to this place even stronger.

A house is located near the petrol station on a motorway from Las Venturas to Fort Carson. The house is surrounded by palm trees and bushes, which makes it look very unusual in such a surroundings, and on Mike Toreno's UFO map this house is represented as a dot.

Many people have claimed seeing a yellow entrance trinagle in the sky over the Clucking Bell take-away in the desert, but none have managed to provide a screenshot of it. The yellow door in the sky is believed to be the entrance to the Puerta Amarilla valley, which means Yellow Door in Spanish.


The Epsilon website gives players the opportunity to "become one of the children of Kraff" by visiting a particular location:

Join us in something special and become one of the children of Kraff.

Travel through the dawn to the pass pictured in our brochures. Look for a red truck with a dent on the right fender. Raise your left hand and recite the words: "Take me to to my father-father, brother-uncle. Kifflom." We'll do the rest. Because we all know, there is Kifflom and there is Krant, and both be praised.

Blindfold required.

Travel through the dawn to the pass pictured in our brochures.

Dawn means that it has to be morning or an evening. As there are no brochures available, many refer to Rockstar's book for San Andreas. The only picture taken at dawn there is the picture of Sherman dam. Apparently, it fits the idea ideally, as it is a "pass" at the same time - it links two islands.

Look for a red truck with a dent on the right fender.

There are a number of Sadler trucks, found around San Andreas which have been smashed. One of them can be found next to the fisherman's hut north from the abandoned airstrip, another in the forests of Back o' Beyond, there are few more in other places. Picking the one near the airstrip makes more sense, as it is located most closely to the dam. Please note, that Sadlers always spawn in different colours, so you may want to come back again to make sure you have got a red one.

Raise your left hand and recite the words: "Take me to to my father-father, brother-uncle. Kifflom."

CJ can raise his hand, if he is aiming his gun and then looks back. In that case the gun will be pointed upwards and so will be his arm. CJ cannot be made to talk, and so no players have managed to make anything happen, nor gain access to the Puerta Amarilla valley.