Prickle Pine Safehouse

The Prickle Pine Safehouse is a safehouse located in Prickle Pine, Las Venturas in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Carl Johnson, the player character, can purchase the safehouse for $50,000. The safehouse has a garage that can store three cars and one motorcycle. The interior to the safehouse is unique, featuring two floors, serveral rooms, a bar, and a computer.

The Prickle Pine Safehouse.

Usage in the Game

The only purpose the safehouse might serve apart from 100% completion of the game is a possible saving-point before the semi-finale C.R.A.S.H. mission Misappropriation, which is accessible from the C.R.A.S.H. House in Prickle Pine.


  • If you climb on top of the garage, you can climb inside the house through the middle windows.